Fit to Flabby....and soon Flabby to Fit

I have been a very fit person with many years of sports under my belt. I am 30 years old and within the last 5 years i have gone from fit to flabby. I weigh 130lbs and want to be at about 115. I am frustrated because if I mention that I am watching what i eat or am eating healthy people say "why? you are so thin". I may not be extremely overweight but if I keep up my current eating habits I am sure that no one will be saying that. I want to fight the fat before it becomes an all out war! Does anyone feel me on this???

Flabby to Fit!


  • hmarie917
    Yes! It's all about being comfortable with your own body when you look in the mirror. People don't always understand that what's right for them might not be right for you and it's VERY frustrating! Good for you on getting back to it! You can do it!
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    Completely get it. When I was younger I was one of those people who had to try to put on weight (mostly for sports)...then I hit 23 and it hit back, with a vengence. I ballooned from 128lbs to 168lbs in about 2 years. I've slowly come down, and then up, and then down, and then...well you get the picture. I'm now sitting at about 145lbs and looking to be about 135lbs. I'm not huge and I "carry my weight well" (BS) so people are usually surprised when I tell them how much I've lost. I guess the long and short of it is that you know your body best and if you feel that you're not at your healthiest weight then it is a good time to start rallying the troops.
  • Sparksstartfire
    thanks ladies, the comments are helpful and make me want to keep it up. Its funny how at work I'm the skinny girl but around my in-laws I'm the fat girl...LOL! all i want is to be fit again.