Debating whether to go to dance tonight...

AAAHHH, so tonight is my first beginning ballet class... I was looking forward to it all day, but I'm getting nervous now because I won't know anyone there.

I also saw a picture on the website, and everyone in the adult class is wearing tights and a leotard... I have tights but no leotard, so I don't know what to wear and it's making me doubt the whole thing... hmmmmmmm I don't know if I should go... :/

Somebody pep me up!! I was so excited about this all day!! I don't know what changed to make me so nervous :(


  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Oh my goodness...GO!!!!!! I didn't know anyone in my first Zumba class...I went....I now teach it!!!

    Stop worrying...wear some shorts and you will be fine :-)

    Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • CassandreNoreen
    CassandreNoreen Posts: 158 Member
    Not having a leotard is NOT a big deal at all! I used to dance, and I rarely/if ever wore my leotard. If you still want to wear the tights, perhaps where them with a pair of shorts you can move in, and a tank top. That will suffice! The website probably made everyone dress properly that day, and they can't expect beginners to have all the gear, so don't worry about it!

    As for not knowing anyone, you'll meet new people there! It is a beginner's class, so you won't have to worry about not being advanced enough or anything... and I'm sure everyone else is there for the same reasons as you!

    Enjoy it! And hopefully you love it! :D
  • RissaDean
    RissaDean Posts: 189 Member
    You're getting first-day-of-school syndrome...JUST GO DO IT! You will probably love it and wonder WTH you were thinking in doubting yourself :flowerforyou:

    Maybe call the place and ask what is appropriate attire for the class you're signed up for?

    Most of all, GO GO GO!! It's better to go do something than to wonder what if.
  • farrellb2
    it'll be fine, I used to dance when I was little, and when the adults would come in lots wore sweat pants and a tshirt
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Go - you'll be happy that you did! It's for the good of You! :flowerforyou:
  • rabbit99_47203
    It will be so much fun! There will be others that are not all dressed like that. I'm sure they just did that for the picture. I wish I could go to one. Go have fun than let us know how it went so we can live out our dreams of becoming a ballarina through you. lol. I don't know if they offer anything like that around here but I think I will sign my husband up to do a ball room dance with me. That will be a nice surprise. haha.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    lol thanks everyone... just needed a reminder that this is something I actually WANT to be doing...!! haha. will update later. :)
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I took my first bellydancing class at 48 without knowing a soul. Everyone else was in their 20's. AND i SUCKED! But it was a blast. Go! Go! Go!
  • lap892
    If you have something like spandex shorts, or cloth material such as soffee shorts or anything like that, that will be fine. But yes, wear the tights!

    I'm a dancer and a dance teacher, but I had to take the year off so I could go to school full time and work full time and I definitely miss it with a passion! I still find myself dancing all over the place. We used to even wear baggy sweatpants to some classes. Where I teach, only the advanced students and competition students have to look professional. You'll be fine in whatever you go in, You're going to love it as well!

    Let us know how it went!
  • dannylives
    Buy a leotard, you pretty thang! lol.
  • alexis92
    GO!!!! i felt awksard when i first started going to dance class again last year. just wear something you can move in i.e. gym shorts, a tank top, etc. dance has helped me get into shape so much this past year- both improving my endurance/stamina cardio-wise and also strengthening my muscles. at least give it a try and remember to have fun!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :flowerforyou: wear shorts and tshirt over your tights and just go

    I went to my first line dance class almost seven years ago knowing no one and scared and now I go to three classes a week and this week I'm at a five day workshop

    Don't let the sneaky voice in your head keep you from a great adventure
    you're going to dance, not make conversation so who cares if you don't know anyone :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    AAAHHH, so tonight is my first beginning ballet class... I was looking forward to it all day, but I'm getting nervous now because I won't know anyone there.

    I also saw a picture on the website, and everyone in the adult class is wearing tights and a leotard... I have tights but no leotard, so I don't know what to wear and it's making me doubt the whole thing... hmmmmmmm I don't know if I should go... :/

    Somebody pep me up!! I was so excited about this all day!! I don't know what changed to make me so nervous :(
    Courage is being scared as hell..................................................and then taking the dive to do it!
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    OK went to class!! It was pretty fun and definitely a good workout... Lots of leg/ back strength! Idk if I'm going to go regularly because of the money, BUT it was a fun experience and I'm glad I went! :)

    Now, how to track this? The calories burned for 90 minutes of ballet seems really high... Think I'm just goin to put it down as 60 and not worry about getting it exact... Because I have no clue! Lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    OK went to class!! It was pretty fun and definitely a good workout... Lots of leg/ back strength! Idk if I'm going to go regularly because of the money, BUT it was a fun experience and I'm glad I went! :)

    Now, how to track this? The calories burned for 90 minutes of ballet seems really high... Think I'm just goin to put it down as 60 and not worry about getting it exact... Because I have no clue! Lol

    I'm so glad you went and had fun:bigsmile: When I go to a two hour line dance class, I put it down as 90 minutes of dancing.:bigsmile: