Lorie vs. Chocolate Danish...Round 1

Had to stop at Giant on the way home from work to purchase a fruit tray for a welcome breakfast tomorrow for a new coworker. Plan was to go in, get fruit, get out. But NOOOOO....

So, I decided about a month ago that I want to dye my hair black. I've been looking at hair color every time I venture into a store which carrys these items. What does this have to do with chocolate danish? Nothing. :)

Anyway, I go to the fruit/veggie section and find a nice selection of fruit. Being the nice coworker that I am (and considering I'm hungry at this point in the day) I also procure a container of fruit dip.

Then I start to think about the hair color I saw at Walmart the night before and didn't purchase. I like the color. Why did I not get it? So I head toward to the hair care section of Giant. Which, you guessed it, is right next to the damn bakery. I find the color I wanted and S L O W L Y walk past the baked goods.

I drool over the donuts, muffins, cookies made with very, very fresh Hershey candy (since I'm in the Giant located in Hershey, PA), and my eyes lock on the most delicious chocolate danish! I must have it! I practically run to the danish, yank out the plastic tissue paper, carefully seize the danish and quickly throw it in the plastic baggy available for this specific purpose. I toss the baggy into the cart like it's toxic waste because I don't want anyone see me and wonder why that fat lady thinks she has any business buying danish!

I make it about 10' before Good Lorie smacks me in the head and reminds me that I will have to enter the danish in my tracker. Listening, I remove the baggy (with all the delectable chocolate) out of my cart and place it on top of a cookie display. So at the end of Round 1....Lorie 1; Danish 0!

I'd better not get any more new coworkers any time soon or I'm just gonna sign up to bring the paper products!!!!! :)


  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member

    I often don't eat things because I don't want to bother logging them.
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    lol...loved your story....and way to go on putting it back!
  • loriyak
    loriyak Posts: 19 Member
    Congratulations on the will power you had to face the danish demon.... Are you going to dye your hair tonight??? :happy:
  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member
    Well done! I have a very similar experience everytime I walk into a bakery on the weekend to buy bread :S
  • skellertx
    skellertx Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, but you have to buy the paper products at the grocery store, too, probably ;)
  • suzie52
    suzie52 Posts: 27 Member
    Congrats winning that battle !!! i had a issue like that happened like for a coworkers birthday my boss made a homemade strawberry cake which i didn have any of the cake which was hard but i did it !!!!! it will get easlier !!!! =) again congrats on the win !!!
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Way to go! I once poured water all over a cake as I was taking my third bite just to make myself stop. Yes, I was going at the whole cake with a fork. Husband came home and found it in the sink..soggy and falling to pieces. His only comment, "Rough day dear?"
  • wendibartel
    Amazing will power way to go.
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    I'm a big fan of chocolate, and chocolate is actually really good for you. Just not the sugar they add to it. I have found my peace by getting green and black's organic 85% dark chocolate. It may be a bit of an acquired taste if your used to all the sugar in typical chocolate, but this only has 8 grams of sugar in 12 pieces (40 grams) Plus all the antioxidants and health benefits you want from chocolate.

    Once you get used to it, the creamy deep complex chocolate flavor is very rewarding and satisfying.

  • trilikeagirl
    Victory!!! :drinker: