Last 5-10kgs Diary

ash3204 Posts: 6 Member
edited August 2021 in Motivation and Support
Accountability thread!
I’m on a mission to lose the last 5ish kgs. I’m in my late 30s with two littles (1 and 4)

I like running, and my goal is to run at least two days per week, and to do a bit of strength/pilates on most other days.

I'm hoping to lose .6kg per week, 2 weeks on diet, 1 week at maintenance. This means my calories are very low during the diet weeks - I use a coaching app to decide this and to track my macros etc. current macros are:


Today: Gcal- 1200; so far - 1160
Skipped long run (postponed to Tue, which is hopefully better weather here!) and did lower body strength training:
3x20 pilates/core lifts
3x12 4-3-1 sumo squats, 16kg
3x2x12 calf raises
3x20kg frog pumps
3x10 16kg goblet squat holds (ouch)
1x8, 2x bodyweight single leg bridge - left hamstring is too weak for weighted
2x3x30 seated straight/leaning hip adductor work

Fingers crossed for tomorrow - will aim for 1000cal + upper body work!


  • ash3204
    ash3204 Posts: 6 Member
    Mondays's workout:
    3x20 pilates/core lifts
    2x(2x)3 assisted neutral grip pull ups
    3x(2x)4 5kg cable chest fly
    3x7 5kg tricep pull down
    3x7 body weight inverted rows

    Tuesday - got my long(ish) run done! Happy to have managed to squeeze in a mid-week run and still get dressed in time to do childcare drop-off. 11.7km's done.

    Big goal on Monday/Tuesday was to do a huge batch of veggies for the week ahead, which I did - super proud of myself for this!

    Today was a rest day, so did 45min of medium-pace walking including 20min at a 5degree incline, and 3x20 pilates lifts.

    The first few days of the diet are going well with a nice number of treats squeezed into my day! I'm planning to increase my walking (and/or adding in rowing) next week. And the weather is terrible over the weekend, so I'll have to do my "weekend run" on Friday.
  • ash3204
    ash3204 Posts: 6 Member
    edited September 2021
    Came down with a cold/flu on Friday, felt terrible but stuck to diet and strength training, had to give up the run. The next week, after three days at maintenance (and hitting a low of 53.1 from starting weight of 54kg), decided to do a psmf - that did not go well. Felt terrible, didn't get enough electrolytes (something I'll be very careful about going forward), didn't really lose anything and though I could keep up the strength training and daily steps, had to give up my runs.

    Psmf is not for me - I need to keep running. I'll take a few (2-5, maybe longer) days at maintenance while I focus of recovering from the lingering flu and hopefully increasing my strength and running.