What keeps you motivated?

Hey you'll,

I need some serious help with motivation. I find myself daydreaming that I'm going g to get up and eat healthy and exercise, and sometimes I do but then I fall off the wagon almost instantly.

What helps keep you motivated? Give me your best ideas!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Define "healthy"...a lot of people have a very myopic view on "healthy". I mean personally, I like to feed my body well and healthy doesn't have to be bland and boring or endless salads. Also, when I talk about a healthy diet, I'm taking about the diet as a whole...not this particular meal or that particular meal or snack. Having something nice for desert most nights doesn't unwind the other nutrition I've gotten throughout the day, nor does my pizza night once per week. Most often this issue is a combination of having a myopic view of healthy and also an all or nothing mentality.

    For exercise, I do the things I enjoy doing so it require little to no motivation. I enjoy road cycling, mountain biking, walking my dog, and hiking...so those things make up the bulk of my exercise. I also hit the weight room a couple of days per week, usually over my lunch hour as my gym is right around the corner from my office and it's a nice way to break up the day and get a little fitness.

    Overall I enjoy being an active person. I'm not much of a "workout" guy, but I'm active. Find something you enjoy doing and do it...it doesn't have to be some sufferfest "workout" Exercise can be very fun and enjoyable.

  • FatToFitChaser
    FatToFitChaser Posts: 192 Member
    Motivation comes and goes for me , it's the mental discipline that helps or keeps me going when motivation fades. Usually I always start small , stick to it for a week time , then I add more things to it and stick to it for another week and so on. I do fail at times.but then I start over again .

    You can do it's Best of luck.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,132 Member
    Motivation is fleeting. Build sustainable habits gradually, make small changes.

    Make it as easy as you possibly can. Don't overhaul your diet in one go and eliminate all the foods you like and are used to. Don't force yourself to exercise at a very high frequency when you're not used to it, and don't force yourself to do exercise you dislike.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 525 Member
    What keeps me motivated is that 51 year old me can jog what I used and then some as a 25 year old. I am more aware of nutrition health pain etc than I was as a young person. I can say I have regrets that I let so many years go by without watching my health. Chance has given me so many opportunities so I cannot see me wasting any more time and not doing something about it while I’m still vertical. Many more things also keep me motivated so they are always there to push me when I don’t feel like working out and when I do indulge myself I make sure to pay the toll.
  • MikeRunsDaily2021
    I’m not always motivated but at the start of each week I make a workout plan and try to stick to it. I consider it more self discipline but it seems to keep me accountable. So I’d start with weekly goals building to something bigger
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,219 Member
    edited September 2021
    Nothing keeps me motivated, at least not for very long.

    Finding manageable ways to change my habits, so I settle into new, relatively easily maintained life habits that lead to better outcomes . . . that works better for me.

    If I have any motivation, or willpower, I'm going to spend it when I have the energy, and spend it on experimenting with potential new positive habits, to find the ones that are fairly easy, pleasant enough to live with long term, etc.

  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Seeing results. If the scale is moving it helps. It isn’t right now so I have to motivate myself. Some people find motivation in groups. There are challenges or other types.
  • mikhnpaitsmum
    mikhnpaitsmum Posts: 119 Member
    I started walking. Just short ones. People notoced and would comment. That motivared me to keep it up. Now my walks are longer.
    Its almost like peer pressude in a positive way. People noticing and commenting on how much I walk gets me moving and not wanting to miss a day.
  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    "What keeps me motivated?" Great question.... My answer is simple. (Just like my program) I keep it simple.
    Like some have said up top? When I make changes, I make small ones that I can say "I can live without this" By doing this, I can make sustainable ones, that keep me moving. I have to watch sugar counts being a diabetic. One change for me was sweet tea. I used to drink 80-120 oz a DAY. Today I allow myself to have sweet tea one day a week. The rest of the week I do without. Another change? Coffee with cream and sugar. I did away with my coffeemate and use milk instead. There is a huge change in the sugar count. 4oz milk 6g vs 4 tbls of CM 20g. So what motivates me is the fact I can still have things I like, not feel deprived, and still lose weight. I hope this will help you with ideas. Friend me if you like.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,538 Member
    For many that are losing and getting lean, it's really NOT about motivation, but adherence to consistency. Once one is consistent in any program, then it's just about following the routine. Just like brushing teeth daily, it doesn't take much motivation after that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Angrystonerguy
    Angrystonerguy Posts: 5 Member
    Taking pictures while I'm walking and showing people what I see...the desire to live and take control back. To fight for something that i lost years ago. (Myself).
  • Kgerber777
    Kgerber777 Posts: 105 Member
    Right now.. my aching legs and feet! Lose some weight and get fit... maybe they will not hurt so much!

    Side note: I have recently discovered guided meditations work really well for me when I want to stress eat.