sick-Can dieting weaken the immune system?

Frost Posts: 312 Member
I am so sick. It started last week and has just creeped on me slowly. I have no energy or motivation today. Just want to lie on the couch. My fur babies can tell. They have all tried to curl around me and sleep on the couch. Animals seem to be so much more intuitive than people. :laugh:

Can dieting weaken the immune system?


  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    I am so sick. It started last week and has just creeped on me slowly. I have no energy or motivation today. Just want to lie on the couch. My fur babies can tell. They have all tried to curl around me and sleep on the couch. Animals seem to be so much more intuitive than people. :laugh:

    Can dieting weaken the immune system?
  • ccano
    ccano Posts: 149 Member
    I guess if you're not getting your proper nutrition, then yes, it could weaken your immune system.

    However, I've found that I actually get sick less. I used to be very prone to catching whatever anyone around me had. I would get colds constantly. Whatever my little sister brought home from elementary school, I would catch it. My mom and my sister have been sick for a month (my sister is in first grade, so anytime she gets sick and then recovers, all she has to do is go back to school and she gets sick again). I would normally catch whatever she brought home instantly. But since I started eating better and working out, I don't get sick. In fact, I feel better and more energized. I used to constantly feel sluggish and lethargic.
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    Yeah kids seem to get everyhting. It's a good thing when young because it actually builds a strong immune system for later. I may need a better vitamin.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    It is flu season, and I can tell you that at least one flu was not included in the flu shot this year.

    My mom, dad, son, daughter and husband have all had it. Told them all to stay away from me! :laugh:

    It can take up to 7 days for some viruses to be full blown and for you to feel the effects, chances are you contracted something right as you started dieting or shortly after.

    Feel better :flowerforyou:
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    Ugh. I startt a new job tomorrow! I can't have the flu!