jogging stroller

Can anyone recommend a good jogging stroller? I don't ever run more than about 3-4 miles on the treadmill and would like to take my runs outside now that the weather is getting nice. I don't know much about the joggers. Should I invest in a really good stroller like a BOB or do you think I could by a less expensive one? Not sure if I want to invest a whole lot of money in the stroller. But, I definitely don't want to waist money on a less expensive one and it not work well for me!!!

Thanks for your help!!!


  • ashfudge
    ashfudge Posts: 5
    Can anyone recommend a good jogging stroller? I don't ever run more than about 3-4 miles on the treadmill and would like to take my runs outside now that the weather is getting nice. I don't know much about the joggers. Should I invest in a really good stroller like a BOB or do you think I could by a less expensive one? Not sure if I want to invest a whole lot of money in the stroller. But, I definitely don't want to waist money on a less expensive one and it not work well for me!!!

    Thanks for your help!!!
  • AmyBrenn
    AmyBrenn Posts: 93 Member
    Love, love, LOVE my BOB!!! What's even better is that my hubby bought ours at a consignment shop for $140! Brand new, they run about $400! My recommendation is to find a consignment shop or look on eBay. We are mountain bikers, so we've taken this thing out on the trails. My son loves it and could sit in it all day. I jog with it regularly and it's so manuverable. A word of caution though, pushing a baby stroller while jogging takes more out of you than you realize. :smile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Check out craigslist, too! I bought a double jogger a couple years ago & LOVED it simply for taking my boys to the park & on walks (jogging is not a word in my fitness vocabulary :laugh:) b/c it was better on the rough ground than the other "conventional" strollers. Well worth the $!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    We looked at them all, and "tested" many (from $100 to $600), and in the end settled on a dirt cheap one from Walmart! It was the In-Step and was $99 Canadian on sale (it always seems to be on sale at Wal-mart). This company general makes more expensive ones, but this one is fantastic!

    It's great for smooth road runs, and even worked well up in cottage country no paved roads (and the sandy edges). If you are on rough terrain or on grass, it's not that great. Most of my running was through my neighbourhood and at the cottage, and this was perfect (and a bargain). We use it now as our "regular" stroller that we keep in the car, as it is compact and a smooth ride!

    Good luck!
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    Bob revolution stroller, it's amazing!! if you're going to be serious about jogging with the baby I really think you need to make sure you have the right stroller, it's a safety issue, most cheap strollers are "lookers" they copy the style, but are not made to function the same other words, I wouldn't put my baby in one and run....but it's a personal decision. I bought mine new :grumble: paid n arm and leg, but I do't regret it a bit, it's easy to push, this thing means business!!
  • FletcherChic
    my husband is a hardcore runner - he does marathons and runs for hours....he did tons of research on joggers beofe picking one's a Kelty Joyrider with 20 inch's not the best looking jogger on the market (the 20 inch wheel make it look like a wheelchair to me) but function is more important than form...i use it almost everyday for walks - about 5 miles and it has been daughter started in it when she was 1 and now she is almost 5 (it's good up to 75 pounds)....the only drawback i have found is that there is no little front tray for snax or cups...not a big deal - we have learned to tuck a baggie of cereal next to her and that works just as well...i keep a water bottle for her by the handle in the cupholder there and just have to hand it to her when she is thirsty...the only other issue we have had is that a few of the spokes got rusty and broke (i walk on the beach so the salty air probably caused this to happen much faster than with regular use)...kelty was AWESOME they replaced all of my wheels for free and there is a lifetime guarantee on the frame of the jogger....i personally like the look of the Bob stroller but everybody i know that uses one - well the kids are just plain miserable in them - always crying and fussing (now that could just be kids getting bored and nothing to do with the jogger but i walk for 1 hour to 1.5 hours and my little one has never cried or fussed to come out)....some other brands to look at are dreamer design, trek, and schwinn (BTW - if you are in So Cal the Trek store has an awesome jogger on sale for 200 dollars brand new - normally it is 500....and it's super cute!!!) :flowerforyou:
  • marc4
    marc4 Posts: 79
    I don't know where your from, but here in Canada we have Kijiji, maybe it is in the States. Anyway, try this site, I've gotten quite a few great baby/childrens items.

  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I got one and barely ever used it. I hated turning corners with it...just was very awkward. So either I had a cheap one ( It was a gift ), or maybe I'm just uncordinated. So hopefully you will have more luck than I did.

  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Bob revolution stroller, it's amazing!! if you're going to be serious about jogging with the baby I really think you need to make sure you have the right stroller, it's a safety issue, most cheap strollers are "lookers" they copy the style, but are not made to function the same other words, I wouldn't put my baby in one and run....but it's a personal decision. I bought mine new :grumble: paid n arm and leg, but I do't regret it a bit, it's easy to push, this thing means business!!

    This is the same one I have. I LOVE it. You can lock the front wheel or let it swivel. It's super easy to push and I feel so safe with it. You can go on the BOB website and get extras for it, too. I got the cup holders and the infant seat adapter. It's been great. My little man is 6 months old and he loves it.
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    I have a double stoller that the kids love riding in, it has a MP3 hook up and two cup holders. I believe it is an Evenflo brand.
    It is a good stroller and I bought it on Ebay but I should have looked at everything closer. It has a fixed front wheel which makes it very dificult to turn, especially when you have two 40lb boys riding in it. I am trying to sell it now!
    What ever brand you buy just get one with a swivel front wheel, they are much easier to use!

    Good Luck!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    I hav e 2 jogging strollers The 1st one i bought was an instep from WalMArt here in Canada, it is a single jogging stroller and i LOVE it, last summer however i needed a doubole jogger and searched everywhre for what i wanted, i finally had to go to the States to Walmart and get it there it is the sasme as the single one i have b y Intep but it is a doublwe and i LOVEV it just as much!! The single was $99 here in Canada and the double was$169 in the states, both from Walmart

    HTH and good luck!!

    I can send you the links if you want!