I'm back!

krael65 Posts: 306 Member
Well here I am. Back after a lengthy hiatus.

I had been maintaining my happy weight for 3.5 years. And then? The Pandemic hit. The Pandemic has not been kind to my weight, what with the lockdowns, working from home at a stressful job, political strife and social unrest, remote schooling, comfort eating, lack of activity, doom-scrolling-booze-soaked-internet fests, etc. etc. etc. All led to me shunning my healthy habits and allowing myself to gain almost 20 lbs.

I'd like to call it a "maintenance break"... but alas :D (think I'm disqualified on the "maintenance" part.)

I've recommitted to getting my body back. I WANT MY PRE-PANDEMIC BODY! (And oh yeah - F the pandemic.)

I had been avoiding the scale since the Pandemic hit. I finally got weighed at the doctor 2 weeks ago, put on my big girl pants and looked at the number. Huh. I suppose it could be worse!

Since that visit 2 weeks ago, I've reinstated my old maintenance habits:

1. Rack up a 2K Calorie burn daily (based on my fitbit)
2. Eat at a deficit
3. Weigh all food
4. Record all food in my journal (I use the Fitbit app for this)
5. Weigh myself daily
6. Record my weight daily
7. Visit the MFP forums for some inspo and entertainment :smile:
8. Watch the trends!

Once I get over the mental hurdle of actually knowing my weight, I can treat it like data and it resumes being an interesting science experiment. I used to love looking at my fitbit burn/weight/food log data! I plan to resume that activity. This activity can replace the doom-scrolling in my daily to do list.

Anyway, I'm glad to be back.



  • martina28
    martina28 Posts: 17 Member
    welcome back and best of luck on your journey. I am also starting again and need to shift about 20 pounds so I would lover to be a friend for now:)
  • krael65
    krael65 Posts: 306 Member
    Thanks @martina28 - Good luck to you as well! :smiley:
  • talltrees500
    talltrees500 Posts: 25 Member
    Best wishes to you. You sound quite focused, determined and positive!
  • JeanineRevell
    JeanineRevell Posts: 9 Member
    I am just starting back too. Quit several years ago and now before I retire I want to be healthy again. You got this, happy healthy life to us all.