Apple cider vinegar morning drink?

amb000 Posts: 12 Member
Hey friends!! Has anyone tried APV drink first thing in the morning?, please share ur experiences ..does it really helps to loose weight and control hunger pains ?


  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    It does not help to lose weight - unless you are drinking it instead of some high calorie item and thus reducing your calories.
    as with any other next to no calorie thing replacing a high calorie thing

    Whether it controls hunger pangs is subjective - I doubt many people find it effective for that

    There have been many threads on ACV - not for a little while admittedly, making me think the fad had runs its course - but if you do a basic search you will find them.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Short answer: No.

    Long answer: Most of the purported "benefits" of consuming some apple-cider vinegar mixed with water are also things you could get by just drinking plain water. But if you enjoy drinking it, go nuts, I guess? To me it seems more like an "eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you all day" kind of thing, but I also don't generally enjoy drinking vinegar, so...

    For weight loss, the key is taking in slightly fewer calories than your body uses in the course of a day as you go about your business, forcing your body to dip into its "savings account" (your stored excess body fat) to pay the "energy bill." As paperpudding noted, If you're choosing the ACV drink instead of something else that has more calories in it (soda, juice, froofy coffee milkshakes from Starbucks), that can help you maintain your calorie deficit, although you also need to be mindful with the rest of your food choices *and* you would get the same benefit if you just drank water, the vinegar isn't the important part in that case.

    For reducing feelings of hunger, most people are really bad at telling the difference between "hungry" and "thirsty." If you think you're feeling hunger, drink a glass of water and wait about 15 minutes. Chances are good that you were actually thirsty and now you feel fine. You *could* make that glass ACV drink instead of plain water, but again, the vinegar isn't the important part.

    Vinegar of any kind, apple cider or otherwise, is not magical. It does not "activate" your body any more than drinking literally anything else does. It especially does not "detox" you - there's nothing you can eat or drink to improve that process, your liver and kidneys do all the "detoxing" your body needs, that's what they're for. If ever you find yourself in a situation where your liver and kidneys are NOT removing toxins from your body, you're either dead or about to be, so put the vinegar down and get to a hospital.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Nope. Unless it helps to stop you from eating after gagging it down.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    if you enjoy drinking it, then drink it.

    but will it help you lose weight?

    ummm no. not in and of itself.

    awfully good in marinades, though.
  • amb000
    amb000 Posts: 12 Member
    Short answer: No.

    Long answer: Most of the purported "benefits" of consuming some apple-cider vinegar mixed with water are also things you could get by just drinking plain water. But if you enjoy drinking it, go nuts, I guess? To me it seems more like an "eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you all day" kind of thing, but I also don't generally enjoy drinking vinegar, so...

    For weight loss, the key is taking in slightly fewer calories than your body uses in the course of a day as you go about your business, forcing your body to dip into its "savings account" (your stored excess body fat) to pay the "energy bill." As paperpudding noted, If you're choosing the ACV drink instead of something else that has more calories in it (soda, juice, froofy coffee milkshakes from Starbucks), that can help you maintain your calorie deficit, although you also need to be mindful with the rest of your food choices *and* you would get the same benefit if you just drank water, the vinegar isn't the important part in that case.

    For reducing feelings of hunger, most people are really bad at telling the difference between "hungry" and "thirsty." If you think you're feeling hunger, drink a glass of water and wait about 15 minutes. Chances are good that you were actually thirsty and now you feel fine. You *could* make that glass ACV drink instead of plain water, but again, the vinegar isn't the important part.

    Vinegar of any kind, apple cider or otherwise, is not magical. It does not "activate" your body any more than drinking literally anything else does. It especially does not "detox" you - there's nothing you can eat or drink to improve that process, your liver and kidneys do all the "detoxing" your body needs, that's what they're for. If ever you find yourself in a situation where your liver and kidneys are NOT removing toxins from your body, you're either dead or about to be, so put the vinegar down and get to a hospital.

    Thanx alot for explaining in soo much detail..i think i will also skip on ACV ...
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,163 Member
    My doctor has recommended me drinking it. The idea behind the medical advice is that it will help to regulate my blodd sugar (I am type 2 diabetic) which in turn helps to lose weight. However, if your blood sugars are already normal, then I don't think it will help. You would probably do just as well to eat an apple. (Diabetics are limited on fruit amounts they can eat.)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    My doctor has recommended me drinking it. The idea behind the medical advice is that it will help to regulate my blodd sugar (I am type 2 diabetic) which in turn helps to lose weight. However, if your blood sugars are already normal, then I don't think it will help. You would probably do just as well to eat an apple. (Diabetics are limited on fruit amounts they can eat.)

    Your doctor might want to do a little bit research. Or at least be more honest about what the studies actually ARE. This sums up nicely, what I had found myself in only a few minutes. The studies are very VERY small. Are they promising, sure. But without MUCH more research, on a MUCH broader scale, that's all they are.... is promising.

    But, it wont hurt you (as a diabetic, or anyone else). And if it helps your sugars return to normal after a meal, then that's freaking awesome (and is something charting your numbers, which presumably you have been doing so you have a history of what your numbers are, would be able to tell you) :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I started taking ACV for something unrelated to weight loss in 2016. It didn't help with either condition.

    I'm anemic and take 1 T of blackstrap molasses in a cup of hot water. This actually tastes better with the ACV, so I have continued taking it to balance out the flavor profile of my molasses "tea".

    So, 5 years and no effect on weight loss. I've gained while taking ACV and lost while taking it.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    One study found that ACV slowed absorption of carbs, and since I am a type 2 diabetic I tried it, while monitoring my blood glucose after meals. I found no measurable effect.