


  • mommacat2012
    Absolutely agree.:flowerforyou:
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    You can respond with "for some reason family members seem to think they are able to be blunt and unsubtle, in that case, you're hair is looking flat, hey I like doing this too". etc. Good luck.

    You can also just respond with 'what ever' and walk away. Leaves them thinking about what they just said again.
  • whatwentwrong
    my aunt has always felt the need to comment on my weight (and everything else in my life)- i deal with it when i'm in her presence by fiddling with my phone (she complained to my parents, but i told them why i was doing it and they understood), and by avoiding her/not calling her back.
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Stacey, sounds like your family have been secretly chatting almost, thinking they all say something will bring it to your attention. It's bad when they notice the weight gain and no comments occur with the weight loss. Keep your chin up, if you feel great and have your own goals, as you are here on MFP after all. Here to cheer you on. cheers Louisa
  • easier
    I like to calmly turn it around to them – “What are you hoping to accomplish by saying that?”

    Depending on the reply (willingness to look at their own bad) and how much else I wanted to invest in the relationship, would determine my next response, if any. That maybe the last thing she hears from me for years.

    I do not care whose DNA you have, if you are not a person in growth and actively trying to be positive, then you get none of my time or thought, my life is short too.

    Even if it is true (at a point in time you were not caring for yourself) her remark has icky intent and depending on her tone delivering it? Why lash at you and throw it in your face? Seems like your accomplishment and turnaround may not fit her family role plan? What little throne of hers do you threaten by being successful?

    I am an Aunt of (3). I have a 20 yr old niece over 220#. I was obese as a child and in my 30’s changed from 340# -- 168# @ 5’8”and 44. I know weight comes with all kinds of hurt and I’ve only broached the subject when she has mentioned negative impacts of her weight.

    When I have talked to her, I’ve said I love her and cannot imagine her life, beauty, gifts and generous love being extinguished prematurely from this struggle. We share the same struggles plus some awful genetics. I’ve told her it can be conquered, list a bunch of her achievements big to silly and even say “SEE! This S*** has no chance against you on the warpath”. Concluding with, I’d be honored to be her cheerleader, helper and unfailing advocate when she decides to focus on it.

    Until then? And at this moment, I focus on all her positives and easily see her with the eyes of love and wonder that I had when she took her first breath.

    My reason to say this is :flowerforyou: we all got icky people in our world, but we all deserve better. You were not put on this planet to be their whipping post. Go seek loving, positive people and put the icky ones in your past.

    Emmydoodles83 would be sought after as the executor of my estate if I needed one. Wow.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member

    In a span of 4 days, I had not one, but FIVE family members comment on my weight. I was by no means over weight at all, but between my parents, my sister, and my grandma, they all had a different way of calling me "chubby." The fifth person to comment was my aunt, who had traveled all the way across the country to see me that week. When I opened the door to greet her, I did NOT get a "Hello! It's been years since I've seen you! I missed you so much!", rather I got a "Oh wow. You've really put on a lot of weight. Let's draw up a diet plan for you."

    Now that I've lost the weight they told me to lose, every time I see them they ask me stupid questions like "are you still eating?"

    OMG weiner dog racing ticker I love it and I really want to go to one, closest ones in WV though..........I will go, oh yes I will go.

    We take my neighbors dog to the Weiner Dog Races where I live. It's so much fun! They are too cute. She has 8 Doxies!

    They're the cutest! I only have one at the moment, but we defintely want to have more. Right now he's laying on his back, watching TV upside down (he figured out how to change the channel to Animal Planet). Way too much personality.