I'm new here.

My name is Janet and today is 62nd birthday. I'm tired of carrying extra weight around. A friend recommended I try MyFitnessPal so here I am. I am blessed I don't have a lot of health issues, and I want to get my energy back. NOW is the time. I've tried many diets, and I typically give up after a few weeks. I don't want to do that again! I tend to start super strong and fizzle out -- so any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.


  • BookishCatLady
    BookishCatLady Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome @dewittjanet22 and Happy Birthday!! And I am so glad that your friend pointed you over here. I just started here too and I know it can be a tad daunting, but I've found everyone to be a very welcoming group.

    If you don't mind me saying, it's important to think of this as a change in your lifestyle, not just a diet. That's what has helped me so far. Whenever someone starts a diet they get super excited about it, but, like someone said to me on here, that only carries you so far. It happened to me a couple times. Yo-yo-ing your food is just going to confuse your body. So the changes you make now need to last.

    Start by giving yourself a mini-goal. Something small and easy to accomplish, just to give yourself that happy zing. I made mine cleaning off my poor exercise bike which has kind of become a place for me to put clothes. Then I'm going to find some heart healthy recipes online and see which ones I can make with what I already have in the house so I'm not tempted to order food.

    You don't have to start with a sudden, huge change. It's the little steps, the lifelong ones that matter.
  • mourvedre
    mourvedre Posts: 107 Member
    edited September 2021
    Welcome aboard, Janet! 1) Log your food, religiously, 2) Be consistent. Don't skip, if you're having a bad day. 3) Overestimate calories, when you have figure them out, just so you don't feel like the system isn't working according to CICO. 4) Keep your food diary open to friends, so that they can give you helpful input. Best of luck, and have a Happy 62nd! 🎂