
Hello - my name is Ray Ray (no Pookie). I'm a retiring snackaholic trying see how/why I went from slick to thicc. I immediately found red flags in my eating and workout habits that need attention. Although I'm only 40, my health has suffered several blows to the heart that compelled me to play a more active role in managing my health goals. It's a pleasure, and if you got my back....I got yours - let's go!


  • LeeH31
    LeeH31 Posts: 312 Member
    @rhaychrlz Hey there Ray Ray. Glad to see you are ready to take control of your health now. Hope you have found all the great resources here easy to navigate. What are you planning to do to get yourself back in shape?
  • Amyfitqueen
    Amyfitqueen Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Glad your here
  • yelenad678
    yelenad678 Posts: 21 Member
    Ok-kay Ray Ray!
  • rhaychrlz
    rhaychrlz Posts: 6 Member
    @LeeH31 Hi, thanks for the welcome. I enrolled in a nutrition course (because I have no clue), developed (copied) a meal plan, and would like to enlist the help of those within a like-minded community to keep me on track. I already exercise (the Vet in me), so I just need to align my workouts (MapMyRun) to my goals.
  • LeeH31
    LeeH31 Posts: 312 Member
    edited September 2021
    @rhaychrlz Good morning Ray Ray. Sounds like you are well on your way. One important thing to remember, and I harp on it a lot, is this:

    Motivation, will-power, and good intentions WILL fail. Thinking of yourself as being on a diet WILL fail. Cutting out major food groups for the long term WILL fail.

    What works is developing good HABITS:
    1. Eating healthy foods of all kinds (and even some not so healthy) within your calorie range.
    2. TRACKING your caloric intake. Everything you eat and drink.
    3. Exercising every day, even if it's just for 20 minutes.

    If you commit to developing good habits, they will carry you through the times you just don't feel like it, are discouraged, sore, angry, etc. PLAN special treat days when all bets are off, but just ONE day, not a whole week! You will find that you become very mindful of what you eat. And, especially at first, you will become very protective of your plan! Nothin' better mess with your plan! :grin:

    I highly recommend the Ultimate Accountability Challenge. A new one starts every month. It challenges you to keep within your calorie goal, track everything daily, and do at least 20 minutes of exercise daily. Lots of helpful folks there. It will help you to develop those good habits and actually enjoy doing it!

    And if you are interested in picking up and setting down heavy things, @ninerbuff is a great resource!

    BTW sorry if I sound like your old drill sergeant :grimace:
  • rhaychrlz
    rhaychrlz Posts: 6 Member
    @LeeH31 Thanks for all the great info. I was standing "at attention" the whole time :D . I love challenges, so I can't wait to join in.
  • LeeH31
    LeeH31 Posts: 312 Member
    @rhaychriz Yeah, yeah, but wait til I put you doing monkey drills . . . by yourself!
  • rhaychrlz
    rhaychrlz Posts: 6 Member :o
  • LeeH31
    LeeH31 Posts: 312 Member
    edited September 2021
    @rhaychriz do they still call it that? monkey drills? That's what they called them at Basic in the AF. Way back in '76

    Fancy fast march!

    My squad did "Chain Gang" :p

    Unfortunately I ended up getting a medical discharge before I could complete basic (female problems requiring hysterectomy) Broke my heart. I wanted to follow in my Dad's footsteps. He started in the Cavalry, went to Army Air Corp, then Air Force for 30 years. Served in WWII (Pacific theater), Korea, Vietnam. Retired in 1973. They kept trying to send him to OTC but he didn't want to be an officer, he liked working with the airmen.
  • LeeH31
    LeeH31 Posts: 312 Member
    @rhaychrlz How is it going with your new meal plan and exercise? Is the nutrition course helping you make sense of it all?
  • rhaychrlz
    rhaychrlz Posts: 6 Member
    @LeeH31 My family are Navy/ Marine/ Army. I retired a Marine - yes we still do animal drills. Crab walks, monkey drills, bear crawls, and a ton moreπŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“
    My first week was just analysis. I ate normal with few alterations. I noticed my caloric intake was super low (850 - 1500). My sodium was super high - 3000+. Today was my first day managing my intake and it was great. I've had great support thus far and feel I've made progress.πŸ₯³

    Thanks for the checkup!😁
  • LeeH31
    LeeH31 Posts: 312 Member
    @rhaychriz Ray Ray . . . wow! that is a LOT of salt! Glad you are moving forward and your first day went well. Support is essential, whether it is virtual or real-life.

    "Our friends should be companions who inspire us, who help us rise to our best." ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin

    Hope you have many companions to inspire you to achieve your goals. πŸ†