19 year old looking for some weight loss buddies!



  • hi im a bit older at 28 but feel free to add me that goes to all on here
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Am 19 almost 20 and have been on here for awhile, your very pretty. Add me and same goes for everyone else if you would like to.
  • RichLove1
    RichLove1 Posts: 97 Member
    Hey :smile:

    I put a post an introductory post on yesterday - also, what fantastic responses from everybody.

    Good luck with your goals.

    Feel free to add me.

    ~ Rich ~
  • amny
    amny Posts: 30
    Hii! :)
    I am going to be 19 in a few months! :)
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Just turned 19!
    What is your starting weight/goal weight? And what part of the world you from? (:
  • Hey! Im 18 and just started back on using MFP, im kinda in the same bout as you as i have very bad social anxiety so that kinda rules out going to the gym and working out in front off everyone (thank god my parents were smart enough to invest in a treadmill for our home) but feel free to add me as a weight loss buddie and the same goes to everyone here :)
  • Wow, thanks for the replies, friend requests, and compliments! I never cease to be amazed at just how supportive this site is - love it! :love:

    As requested, I'll post my stats. This isn't necessarily the highest/most overweight I've EVER been, but it's my most recent highest weight, if that makes sense? I've "rollercoastered" a lot over the years.

    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 155
    CW: 144.5
    GW: 125
    UGW: 118-120

    And for those who asked, I live in the USA (Idaho, WOO)! I'd love to talk to anyone about art, weight loss, your troubles/experiences with bipolar/ocd/anxiety, anything! If you added me, you'll definitely see me commenting on your updates! Thanks again everyone!
  • klwatkins
    klwatkins Posts: 16 Member
    Add me! I'm 19 until Sunday (((: Good luck guys!
  • sparuuto
    sparuuto Posts: 1 Member
    Hello :)

    Just turned 20 here and I'm also fairly new to this. Good luck to all of you and feel free to add me!
  • Hi! i'm new to this and need a lot of extra support with losing weight. I too feel as though im the fat friend as well as the fat sister amoung my family. I always feel that people are constantly judging me by what i look like and what i eat. It would be nice to have some extra support so i too have joined here hoping for the same, so have fun and goodluck!!
  • Hii, I'm 19 too and I also suffer from depression, anxiety, and OCD so I definitely know what you're going through!!! I've only been here a week but I love the support I get from everyone, they're really helpful!
  • Kaytee233
    Kaytee233 Posts: 54 Member
    Hey! I'm 20, Welcome! :)
  • hollyrlambert
    hollyrlambert Posts: 69 Member
    Hey! Im 19 too :). I haven't had a huge amount to lose (about 8kgs - already down 4, yay) but this site has been so helpful. Feel free to add me.
  • katapum
    katapum Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I'm 29....
    and I can't wait to get rid of my flabbiness
  • Hi, I'm 18 and I'm looking to get rid of 10kgs and to start regularly working out! Feel free to add me =)
  • hey, i've got the same issues, nice to know i'm not the only one!
    anyone feel free to add (: