
Can I please have some advice on how many calories I should be eating.

I am currently having 1500.

I weigh 13st 13lb and i am 5ft 6"

Thanks xx:wink:


  • CharlieLB1980

    I am 5ft 8 and started at 14st 2lb and am now 13st 9lbs. I am having 1200 as that is what I was advised to do by MFP probably due to the amount I want to lose. I do work out 4 or 5 times a week though so also earn some of those back.
    I think 1200 is the very minimum you can go to and even though I have only been going 10 days so far it seems to be working for me! (touch wood) :o)
    I guess it is also to do with your own body and you will find out what works for you personally.
    Charlie x
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    Hi there,

    Yeah I would aggree you shouldn't go under 1200 cals a day, but 1500 is better to be honest. Go by what you're losing, you shouldn't lose anymore than 2-3 pounds per week or it'll eat muscle. So if on 1500 you're not losing that much drop 100 cals and see if it makes a difference, if you drop and you lose 4 pounds add more cals in. It's more about what you eat really and macro nutrients.

    Good Luck!