lockdown plus injury = weight gain

Hi folks, over a year ago I injured myself and was unable to exercise for a very long time. That plus the lockdown resulted in my being depressed and unable to even try to stick to my healthy lifestyle. The result was about 12 extra pounds added to my weight. Many of my favourite clothes don't fit me anymore. I am finally healthy again and back to exercise, but could not seem to set my unhealthy eating habits aside. A few weeks ago, I had the worst gall bladder attack of my life and that finally gave me the motivation to stop eating junk food and get back on track. It is very slow going, but I have lost a couple of pounds and the best part is I don't even crave my bad habits anymore. Hoping this trend keeps up ... best of luck to all of you :smile:


  • pnrbor
    pnrbor Posts: 58 Member
    I think lockdown and covid has made a lot of people gain weight. I gained weight during lockdown last year. Then one afternoon I went for a horse riding lesson and the horse got away from me after and kicked me in the head. I lost quite a lot of weight being in a coma and hospital for 2 months. Afterwards though I gained it all back and more.
    Sorry about your gall bladder attack but glad you found motivation. Good luck.