Injuries, trauma and exercise

Just something I'm struggling with a little - but NOT letting it stop me from doing what I need to do :-)

Six years ago I was hit by a car while crossing the street. I broke my left humerus right near the joint, my right wrist and my left big toe. I took a bunch of skin off my body, crushed some nerves in my knees and was black and blue with bruises for months but, very very luckily, didn't injure my head, spine or organs.

I had some severe anxiety issues and panic attacks after the accident and was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. I had a lot of counselling until the insurance ran out, and my PTSD has since migrated into more of a generalised anxiety disorder.

Physically, my shoulder took the worst damage and after a year of physiotherapy, doctors pronounced me as healed as I was ever going to be, with a loss of mobility due mainly to the calcification of the joint and some permanent ligament damage. This essentially means I can't straighten my arm above my head or lift heavy things on that side. It could be worse, of course.

Anyway, getting to the point: I'm in level 2 of the 30DS and I find that with all the plank-based exercises, I'm having a lot of difficulty because my left shoulder simply doesn't hold my weight for long. It's not an issue of it getting stronger over time - the joint doesn't work as it should and I can't hold myself in the right position. I also can't put weight on my knees for more than about half a minute, because of the nerve damage in them. I persist, even if I have to drop down now and then and try again, or drop my left arm in weights and just use my right for a while, but I'm also finding that when that happens, I get a rush of anger and depression about how my injuries have disabled me (in as minor a way as it is), which then triggers some of the PTSD issues.

I try to turn it into something good and powerful, like a determination to overcome by getting strong, but the fact is that I have, in the past, gotten that arm as strong as it can be and it still remained a source of reduced mobility and constant pain that will be there for the rest of my life.

As I say, I'm not letting it stop me getting stuck in to exercise, but I just felt the need to have a bit of a rant. Am tired of that accident ruling my life, but I can't seem to escape it.

Any other PTSD sufferers have any advice for when your past trauma affects your exercise?


  • amybluefish
    amybluefish Posts: 82 Member
    I too have a shoulder injury and currently an ankle injury. I have been walking jogging 4-6 miles a day. Its hard to get going, in the middle I am fine and later I am in pain. Today I decided to look for a local pool as there is no weight bearing stress in a pool!
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    I am not PTSD but I am a therapist who works with upper extremity issues. I would try some exericse with less weight bearing on that arm :smile: Have you ever tried things like cardio kick boxing ? easy to modify if something hurts. I used to do it when I lived in NY I was so toned and in shape with out lifting weights it was the only time I ever had abs :) I took classes at martial arts studio. I think it will be important to do exercise to keep that arm and knee moving so you do not develop more restrictions from the fascia surrounding the bones and muscles and skin

    tha tis my 2 cents :flowerforyou: i hope u feel better it is ok to rant! that makes me feel better
  • Kenzie82
    Kenzie82 Posts: 5 Member
    Hmm, yes, you're right! I used to swim a fair bit and my husband has just started back at the pool this week to help his asthma. Once I've finished 30DS, I might get back into a proper swimming program along with the running and pilates I usually do.

    Do you find that you have difficulty with freestyle stroke with your shoulder? I tend to stick to breaststroke as I can't straighten my left arm, but I know freestyle is better exercise.
  • Frances_C17
    Frances_C17 Posts: 64 Member
    What about a swiss ball work out? I have a dodgey shoulder too, probably not as bad as you, but find the swiss ball great for toning my core muscles. I do some press ups/planks with the ball supporting my legs and if my shoulder can't take it that day they I just roll further back on the ball to reduce the strain on my shoulder.