How often do you weigh in???

The scale is NOT my friend. I do not like getting on it, nor does it like me getting on it. I signed on here Monday night (weighed), then weighed again Tuesday morning just to see the difference in night/day weights. (Like my morning numbers better than night!) For smiles and giggles I got on again this morning. Don't feel as bloated so wanted to check if it was just a mental thing. Anyway, personally for me I think once a month will be my best so I don't get discouraged by the ups and downs. I know with the scale saying 4.4 less than Tuesday morning its likely not going to stay that low by next Tuesday. My goal is only set at -2 lbs a week.


  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Every single day. Once/two times a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. I track my morning readings and write them down! It's helpful for me so I can see the fluctuations. But if you can't handle seeing a 1lb gain from one day to another, I don't recommend weighing yourself daily.

    But it has it's benefits. If you read my blog you will see how useful ti was during TOM.
  • 0b58uce67
    I got weighed at the beginning of the week. I have told myself not to get weighed for 4 weeks. If I get weighed each week and I only lose 1/2 lb that will deflate me. So if I get weighed every 4 weeks I should see a good weight loss, this should then make me feel better and encourage me to carry one...:wink:
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    i do weigh myself every morning but only log it here on Fridays. if you're ok with the daily fluctuations and seeing a different number on the scale everyday (sometimes higher than you'd like) then keep doing it. I read somewhere that weighing in daily helps keep weight down because you can hold yourself accountable. The scale can seriously drive you crazy so don't forget to measure yourself too if you're a slave to the scale like me!! :)
  • qkiley
    I weigh myself once a week, in the morning. Day to day my weight fluctuates, and can be discouraging. Weighing in once a week is a good check for me to make sure that I am progressing.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i jump on the scale almost everyday (not good i know), however i only enter my weight on here once a week (every saturday)
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, in the morning. Day to day my weight fluctuates, and can be discouraging. Weighing in once a week is a good check for me to make sure that I am progressing.

    when i weigh morning and evenings i always notice the evening weight is about 2 lbs more than the morning
  • champagne1962
    I get weighed by my trainer every Thursday after my workout whether I want to or not. It is really slow going, only 5 pounds in 6 weeks but so far not discouraged because I can tell the difference in my pants.
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    Hmmmm....I should have measured!!! (Thinking back to a 2 week free at a was many, many years ago...HS years to be exact. GF and I had 2 free week pass. What the heck. I started at 148 lbs. I told the fitness guy if he had weight off of me in the two weeks then I would buy the membership. We went Monday, Wednesday and Friday for two weeks. 15 min stationary bike, 1 mile walk, our assigned equipment routine, low impact aerobics, then water aerobics. After that we relaxed in the hot tub and steam room. For breakfast it was a hot chocolate and a piece of cinnamon toast, lunch small side salad and diet Sunkist, and dinner was portioned of whatever mom cooked. I also had gym at school. Thinking I should see a pound or two off with all that work, it was time to get on the scale. 156!!!!!!!!!! I was devestated!!! I had gained 8 lbs. He called over one of the girls to check measurement. Even he was shocked at the gain. After checking the measurements, the staff was even more shocked than the gain. I had lost a total of 16" Of course that did not mean anything to me then, it was all about scale numbers. Now I have learned.)

    Thanks for reminding me to measure. Tape measure is now on my shopping list.
  • Les_Lamb57
    Les_Lamb57 Posts: 57 Member
    Every day - and post in MFP every time its lower than before.
    We have a Wii Fit - its good fun to see progress on the charts it creates and also check that the bathroom scales and the Wii roughly agree.
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    I used to weigh in weekly, but now I do it the last day of the month. Weekly weigh-ins were too discouraging for me.
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Every day - and post in MFP every time its lower than before.
    We have a Wii Fit - its good fun to see progress on the charts it creates and also check that the bathroom scales and the Wii roughly agree.

    I did my wii fit religiously for weeks, then got bored and stopped. I really need to start doing it again :)

    I weigh in daily... actually 2 or 3 times daily *blushes* I'm a little bit of a weigh-in addict :) I know I should just weigh in once a wekk, but I really want to know on a daily basis what my food choices are doing with my weight. I would hate to get a week out and try to figure out what I was doing wrong, you know? That being said, the fluctuations are frustrating. So when I go days on end of doing everything right, and the scale's not moving, that's when I try to just weigh weekly, but it never works. 2 hours later, I've hopped back on :D
  • fruitsndveggies
    I do it every day the first week of the month, then every other day the second week, then every third day the third week and 2x a week the fourth week. I just found it keeps me accountable without me going insane.
  • FarmerLynn7
    FarmerLynn7 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm a very structured person and need to weigh every morning to keep myself on a regular routine and accountable. I log every loss, but I give a gain a day or two before I log it as a gain...that keeps the fluctuations from messing with my total :)