Oculus Supernatural

I did a quick search and didn't see a whole lot on the Supernatural VR game so I am not expecting much in response, but kinda hoping SOMEONE out there is familiar with the Oculus and the Supernatural fitness game. I've really struggled with being more active and moving more. I have a very sedentary job (library manager), spend 2+ hours every day in the car commuting to and from work and when I'm at home I'm sad to say I probably spend WAY too much time playing World of Warcraft or binging shows online. The treadmill sits there staring at me forlornly because it gets no use. The exercise ball is gathering dust. The weights and jump rope are great dust collectors. I have zero excuses for being so lazy other than a lack of motivation. Until now. I absolutely love this game and can spend an hour on it with no problem. I'm dripping sweat by the time I'm done, my heart rate is up and sometimes I have sore muscles. I actually look forward to coming home and playing it. Is anyone else playing it and want to add each other as friends on it?


  • Scarlettriestorun
    Scarlettriestorun Posts: 40 Member
    Try fitness xr x
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I tried it when it was free abs didn’t like it as much as Beat Saber, but I’ve been tempted to try it again.
  • Braven05
    Braven05 Posts: 2 Member
    Love supernatural! My husband and I have been doing it for a week now. It's finally got us up and moving and having fun doing it