Struggling with having 1,200 calories a day!

So, I just joined a few days ago, finding it really fun! but, I'm struggling to have 1,200 calories a day, I feel like I've been eating all day, but I'm not really full, especially when I burn 300-400 calories, and I have to eat more! What foods are good for you and fill you up? Maybe I should be having more carbs?... Hmmmm



  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    If you are burning 300-400 calories exercising, you really should eat more. I don't always eat all of my "exercise calories", but at least some. That should definitely help.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    protein and fiber make u feel full longer
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    lean protein
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I think you may need to eat more -When you exercise this puts you at a deficit. It seems like a lot of people do better when they eat their recommended allowance PLUS their exercise calories.
  • futuremrsh_71412
    Im struggling a little with this too and I am starting week two. Eating a couple boiled eggs in the morning along with my cup of coffee really helped me stay full and eggs are about 70 calories each. Also, greek yogurt has been helpful for me too....Hannaford makes some great ones with fruit on the bottom that are about 150 calories each.

    One thing I have learned so far is that there is one thing I will not give up and sacrifice about 150 calories for is my morning cup of coffee with flavored creamer. It is how I start my day every morning so I just try and work around it!

    Yesterday for lunch I had Morningstar Chick'N tenders, in a 100 calorie roll with some honey mustard and that really filled me up for the rest of the afternoon. It was about 350 calories.

    Good luck and feel free to friend me if you would like! :smile: YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    For me it helped to ease into it a bit. Instead of focusing directly on 1200 calories at first, add more fruits/veggies and begin tracking portions. Give yourself a few days to get the calories reduced to the 1200 and it won't be quite so painful!
  • Eleisabelle
    Fiber, protein, and healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, and yes, dark chocolate in moderation) keep you feeling full. Eating smaller meals 5-6 times a day instead of three meals can help, too. But if you graze, be sure to keep close track of everything you eat. Sometimes that can be a temptation to eat more.
  • slyvers
    Looks for smaller snacks that have more calories and good fats. Nuts are great for this. A quarter cup of (most) nuts will give you about 200 calories, without making you feel overly full and like you have ben eating all day.
  • _biscuit_
    _biscuit_ Posts: 3 Member
    I feel like MFP's go-to calorie allotment is 1200, so it's entirely possible you aren't getting enough, especially if you are exercising a good bit. I have been running and almost passed out on the 1200, so I talked to a doctor and he reccomended at least a 1500-1600 intake to start, and to up it the more I run.

    Proteins, like chicken and tuna, and fiber will make you feel more full and give you a little more fuel for those workouts!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Are you having trouble eating that much, or are you saying that it is too little. It is not clear based on your post.

    If you are having trouble reaching your caloric intake goal, try eating more calorie dense foods instead. Try adding nuts, seeds, dehydrated fruit, or nut butters as snacks. Avoid diet and lite foods and opt for the full fat versions. Try increasing the % MF in milk products such as cheese, milk, and yogurt (i.e. drink 2% milk instead of skim). Add olive oil to soups and sauces. Add avocado to salads and sandwiches. This will add calories but you don't have to eat more food if you replace some of what you eat with some of these suggestions.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    MFP is ridiculous for this and so is every diet program out there. 1200 calories is SO unrealistic. what is your BMR. you must eat at least your BMR in order to function or you WILL lost muscle and eventually you will hit a plateau or just get frustrated with how weak you are. Manually change your calories to something above your BMR but below your maintainance calories. You will still lose weight, even if MFP says "in 5 weeks you'll weigh ...." it'll be wrong because it's a machine. MFP is very limited in this way. I'm saying all this because I've been there and I have now learned so much and I'm ignoring MFP's silly recommendations and doing what I know is best. I have still been losing weight consistently and above what MFP says I will lose (since it thinks my maintainence calories are 1700 and I'm eating 1600)

    I am 5'6"and eat 1600 calories, plus I work out a lot and eat back what I burn because the 1600 does not include the fact that I exercise. 1600 is basic... what I would eat if I did nothing all day.
  • teee12
    teee12 Posts: 93 Member
    Excellent !! Thanks everyone !!! :)
  • avteaupa
    Just started MFP also, and have exceeded the 1200 calories all 3 days between 300-450 since I've started. Tracking my calories has been good for self-awareness, but I haven't stressed about staying under that 1200, for all the reasons others have stated here.

    Also, I listen to my body. If I'm hungry, I'll eat, and not mind that I'm "over" on the diary calories.

    Good luck! =)