How do you not be "that weird guy/girl"?

xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
I recently started a new job and one of the big social aspects of it is food. It's great and I can usually do well with lunches and dinners with coworkers, as I like to treat myself and am not extremely strict anymore, but there's also a designated treat table that is often filled with goodies. I hate to turn people down because I feel like I'm being rude. I'm also skinny...I'm not trying to lose weight anymore, but I don't gorge myself on unhealthy foods because I want a healthy lifestyle and I like the way I look. I feel like people look at me turning up my nose and perceive me as being a stuck up girl who thinks of herself as "holier than thou." How do you avoid this? Can you avoid this? I really don't want to give people the wrong impression of me so early on, but I'm also not going to give up my health!


  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    just tell them you dont like to much unhealthy food as its unhealthy :wink:

  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    What about contributing some healthy treats to the treat table?
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    If someone asks, just say "I used to be very unhealthy, I will treat myself once in a while- but one thing leads to another. Thanks but no thanks! Maybe next time"
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Can you say you're in training for something? Or too much fatty sweet food gives you gas, so you avoid it :P
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I have this happen to me sometimes too. Could you say something like "sorry, i already had a cookie earlier," even if it's not the truth? I will be curious to see other responses because I'm wondering about the same thing!
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    Tell them you're training for a run or something.
  • guineverantha
    guineverantha Posts: 26 Member
    That IS a tough one!
    Maybe try, "No thanks, I'm just not hungry right now." Or maybe you could say, "Sure I'll take a brownie" and then only eat a fourth or half of it?
    Sometimes I think there is no way around people's judgmental looks. When you're being healthy and when you look good, others feel guilty and shamed when they make an unhealthy choice. And when that happens, the natural tendency is to shift their discomfort back on you with a rude look. Does that make sense? If possible, just try to ignore their looks because you know you're the one making healthy choices and you worked hard to get where you are.
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    What about contributing some healthy treats to the treat table?

    This is a nice idea.
  • I think that a simple, "no thanks" is fine. If someone takes offense to that, they're the weird guy/girl!
  • maybe just by being honest with them, about your weight struggles and what you went through. who knows you might have something in common with them, they might even ask you for tips or advice and youll be the go to fitness girl at work. =)
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    I tell people I'm trying to cut back on sugar for my teeth ;-)

    You could also develop an "allergy" to whatever the treats most consist of - my husband does this with tomatoes .... gluten is a good one...

    Or bring your own special treat

    Or just tell them you are saving to splurge on x day (with x being a day you don't see them!)...
  • hallyscomet
    hallyscomet Posts: 1 Member
    Be polite and NEVER judgmental. Do not comment on other people's choices or say anything negative about food or their weight. Compliment people of all weights on something about themselves that you like so that they don't feel judged poorly by you.
    Good for you, just realize that other people make their own choices and it's not wise or fair to look down on them for that.
  • "Oh, I just ate, I'm so full"... or something like that maybe?

    For me it's easy, I have lots of food allergies so I always have an excuse if I need one.
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    Tell the truth...simple as that. Say, "thank you but I do not wish to have any of that unhealthy food".
  • Please do not feel weird. You are watching out for yourself. A few years ago I started a job which had many celebrations. I did well at first, but then I gave in. After two years of doing lunch, birthday parties, and other celebrations, I gained 25 pounds. I am still trying to lose it. Do not give in. You will regret it. Take a veggie or fruit tray. You can enjoy your own snacks :)
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    People think I'm weird no matter what I eat. I just add being a weird eater to the massive pile of other weird.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Binge and purge? Just kidding - just don't eat it. I'm sure they won't notice, it's just more for them.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    People stopped pushing food on me once I said. Oh, I'm training for a race. It was instant "ohhhh, ok." Then actively telling me not to eat a donut.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Since I changed my diet to healthier food it tears up my stomach to eat too much fat or sugar. I tell people that too much fat or sugar upsets my stomach. If you feel really pressured, just get something ... take it to your desk then toss it when no one is looking.
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