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How angry would you be?



  • xrj22
    xrj22 Posts: 197 Member
    I would talk to your kid first and then with the teacher. Try to get a sense of what the full cirriculum is. Did the kids have other chapters, movies, etc with good nutritional information about protein, balance diet, etc., and this was just an "add-in" to try to provide impact -- maybe OK. But if this was the bulk of the nutrition teaching, or the only thing your kid remembers about nutrition, then not OK. That movie is mostly sensationalization. Also quite skewed toward veganism, which is ONE option, and fine for you to teach your kids at home if you want, but should not be taught at the only healthy diet in schools.
  • summerviking1
    summerviking1 Posts: 91 Member
    No this would not make me angry at all. But I am not an American so I come from a different mindset. I can see how this film would upset cattle farmers and people in certain parts of the USA. You have a right to be upset and maybe mention it to the teacher.
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 611 Member
    edited October 2021
    I think I'd discuss it with your child and expand on the topic with them. If there are specific points that you think were erroneous with the documentary that your child retained and is using as a talking point, then refute them with other factual evidence.

    I'd leave the teacher alone unless there's a very concerted and continuing effort to push the wrong info on this specific topic.
  • Tito_Tim
    Tito_Tim Posts: 72 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    Not all Netflix documentaries are bad. There was good information in there. It is good to look at different sources of information and then use your judgement to determine what’s true or not. I would not be mad at all.

    But are they approved school curriculum? Teachers cannot just teach whatever they want. Nutrition should be taught at school, but in the right class, with approved curriculum. I would be concerned if this was an authorized lesson - or just the teacher preaching their own subject.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,017 Member
    You need more context. Did they discuss the pro/con of the credibility of the video? Was a counter argument discussed? Etc.
  • cvaughan02
    cvaughan02 Posts: 4 Member
    It sounds fine to me. I'm 100% certain that some of the documentaries we were shown in the 90's were b.s.

    It's just a source of information. and it sounds like your kid listened to it and is doing some critical thinking, which is a great opportunity to have some discussion. Maybe both of you will learn something.

    Now, if this is a chronic situation where all the teacher does is show netflix docs, then I'd say have a word with the school about the curriculum. But as a on-off, that feels like valid education to me. education should make your child ask questions, not just spoon feed them information. and it sounds like yours is curious based on their experience. good job!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,527 Member
    Nah wouldn't be mad. The way to learn correctly is to hear evidence, compare it with other evidence, then go with what you believe would be best for you.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    yayamom3 wrote: »
    I think it would be worth bringing it up to the school administration (not the teacher directly). Not accusing the teacher of anything, just expressing concern about the source of the information being shown to your kid. I'm not familiar with that one in particular, but I know a lot of those Netflix "documentaries" are basically propaganda for people with political agendas.

    It's also, as you say, a great opportunity to talk to your kid about vetting sources.

    Disagree. If you have questions/concerns, discuss them with the teacher. She/he deserves the courtesy of being given the opportunity for open dialogue with you. Then if you're not satisfied, have a conversation with admin. A good administrator will direct you to speak directly with the teacher first anyway. It is customary to follow the proper chain of command.

    Exactly what I was about to write.
  • DebbsSeattle
    DebbsSeattle Posts: 125 Member
    Don’t teachers need to have classroom content be part of an approved curriculum? I don’t believe Netflix anything should be in a classroom. Take it past the teacher.
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    This may be an opportunity to teach your child about evaluating sources, and how to identify reliable sources.

    I'm a long time (47+ years) vegetarian, and not a fan of game changers.

    If you do an internet search for something like "registered dietitian review of game changers" or "vegan dietitian game changers", you'll see various views. Virtually all of the people with genuine academic credentials - like the sources Banx already mentioned above, have some concerns or criticisms of the (so-called) documentary. They vary from mixed to outraged. Few people with actual expertise/credentials are finding this film fully accurate/informative.

    Personally, I like this review, too, from an admitted student dietitian, not fully credentialed yet, who's actually vegan himself.


    Watch the film. Read the reviews. Point out distortions and bias. Good learning opportunity.

    If that teacher's presenting the film as "facts" vs. as an opportunity to evaluate potentially biased sources . . . I'd be angry. But I'd be inclined to speak with the teacher, understand the intent and context straight from his/her mouth, and if necessary share some of the divergent views from sound sources.

    I agree and that's why I think the parent needs to talk with the teacher (not the administer). Find out his/her intent. The teacher may well realize the 'one sided' view of this film and will also show their students the reviews/arguments against, etc., for comparison. This creates critical thinking. Perhaps the teacher will then ask their students to write or debate if they agree/disagree with said research.

    I would be not impressed, however, if said teacher is advocating this film's dogmatic (I'm assuming) view points only. (and I'm a vegetarian too!)