My pockets hate me for bulking

Hey guys! I’m an on and off bulker been trying to gain weight for a while but never really realized how much it cost to continuously eat. I’m used to only eating every now and then so bulking sometimes feels like a chore. I’m 5”8 and just got to around 140 pounds from 126/130. I try to average 3000-4000 calories a day but then run out of food 🤣 how do y’all combat cost of bulking without having to eat the same boring food


  • davew0000
    davew0000 Posts: 125 Member
    Toast with peanut butter and jelly (or jam if you’re uk). Tasty, lots of calories, pretty good nutritionally too.

    Porridge for breakie too. I throw nuts and dried fruit in there. That’s a surprising amount of protein.

    Honestly, I quite enjoy eating like that.
  • michaelsmithpa
    michaelsmithpa Posts: 22 Member
    snack on nuts between meals
    maybe add in a mass gain protein drink in the evening with some fruit added in
  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    Easy. I eat the same boring food! :smiley: I understand that's not for everyone though.

    Oils and nut butters are pretty cheap here in the US, especially peanut, and very calorie dense, so that's one option.