Eat your BMR?!



  • sheils8
    sheils8 Posts: 57
    I am definitely not an expert....but from what I have read and learned, you do need to increase your calorie intake when you work out. It is often referred to on here as eating back your exercise calories.
    If you eat 1400 a day, and then workout and burn 500 calories....then you really are only consuming 900 a day....and that is way too low (so no wonder you are starving)!
    Does that make sense?!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i only ate my bmr because it was what i needed to eat to lose a lb a week. it just so happened to be my bmr. my t.e.e. was 1800, and my bmr is minus 500..
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Eating your BMR is definitely not a bad idea, some people cut a bit under for faster weight loss. But since your BMR is a number that assumes you do nothing once you wake up, literally don't move at all, every single movement throughout the day turns into a calorie deficit!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I'm a little confused about this!! I had my activity level set to lightly active for the summer because I lifeguard and spend a lot of time in the water/on my feet. MFP recommended my calories to be 1370 (which is my BMR) to lose 1 lb a week. Just today, I switched to sedentary, as I am going back to school and will spend my days sitting. Now MFP recommends I eat 1230 cals/day (still for a loss of 1 lb/wk). That is less than my BMR! Should I change it to lose less per week, or go back to lightly active, or leave it as is?

    By the way, I'm 5'4" and 138 lbs (started at 158). My goal is to be about 123 lbs, and I have a medium, maybe slightly larger, build. BUT I still do have quite a bit of visible fat around my middle to lose.
  • lynn9
    lynn9 Posts: 19 Member
    @Sleepy Texan - THANK YOU!! for making the BMR +/- exercise calories easy to understand. My BMR is 1483. MFP set my base calories at 1246. I've been gaining weight ever since I started with this website. I had my health screening (required for work health ins.) today and talked to a dietician after who told me about BMR. Googled BMR and came across this post to find out that I've been eating way TOO FEW calories every day! My body thinks its been starving this whole time :( My BMR + exercise multiplier = 2,298 calories a day! I've been in the 1200-1500 range. I'm overwhelmed by the possible damage I've done to my metobalism - UGGH!!

    I hope I can get it reset and RESTORED!

    Thank you for your clear explanation :o)
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    Wow, you look great. Your food diary was very helpful...encourages me to make sure I am eating my goal for the day. = )
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
  • fitgrl124
    fitgrl124 Posts: 6 Member
    I am interested in this topic. I just found out my RMR or BMR (same thing) is 1436 calories a day. So, does that mean that I should net 1436 calories or that I should eat more and burn enough to meet 1436?

    I really want to lose 17 more pounds!!!! I would love to do by August but I don't want to put pressure on myself to lose that in that amount of time if it isn't feasible.

    I'm excited to become part of this discussion!!