Does anyone here not exercise?

AmesLee78 Posts: 111
I do not want a lecture on the importance of exercise. I KNOW it's important. People need to understand that not everyone CAN exercise.

I have Fibromyalgia and arthritis. I do what I can, but I can't do it consistently, no matter how much I want to.

So who else here keeps a food diary, but rarely or never exercises?


  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I dont exercise much, due to dislocating kneecaps. I could be standing, pivot turn for something to the side of my body, and I'm on the ground, and trying like mad to push a kneecap back into place. I have to be very careful in a lot of things that I do because of this issue.

    Today was my first day on the elliptical in almost 3 weeks.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I do not want a lecture on the importance of exercise. I KNOW it's important. People need to understand that not everyone CAN exercise.

    I have Fibromyalgia and arthritis. I do what I can, but I can't do it consistently, no matter how much I want to.

    So who else here keeps a food diary, but rarely or never exercises?

    movement , starting slow but continueing regularly helps both those conditions
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I dont exercise much, due to dislocating kneecaps. I could be standing, pivot turn for something to the side of my body, and I'm on the ground, and trying like mad to push a kneecap back into place. I have to be very careful in a lot of things that I do because of this issue.

    Today was my first day on the elliptical in almost 3 weeks.

    you are a yorkie aren't you
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I have Fibro as well as SLE Lupus. BELIEVE ME, it's hard as s.hit to exercise sometimes. Honestly, if I can get to the gym 2-3 times a week, then it's a good week. I know how you are feeling, but even if it's just walking around the block a few times, it's better than nothing.
  • I lost my first 40lbs EASILY without any exercise at all...

    once you lose some weight youll find that your body isnt as stressed (joints etc) and can exercise then
  • Exercice is not an obligation to loose weigth. It just makes things much more easier.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Honestly, exercise is only 10% of the equation. Food Quality and Proper Nutritoinal habits are the other 90%.

    You can workout til the cows come home but if you're not eating right, you won't get sustainable results.

    Fibromyalgia is one of the toughest to work around, but if you're doing what you can, that's the best you can do and can't be faulted or criticized for it.

    Nutritoinally speaking however, there's lots you can do and I wish you well on your journey. :-)
  • tinacrane
    tinacrane Posts: 134 Member
    Although I do exercise now, I lost my first 25 pounds with no exercise. I had 2 foot surgeries that kept me from too much movement! But, I was super diligent with my logging and the weight came off. I always tried to stand when I could and began to take stairs and park further away when possible. Then, I started slow walking and the next 5 came off. Now, I am up to maybe twice a week of walking or riding a bike and have lost another 12.

    Just do your best! And as the weight comes off, maybe some of your symptoms will lighten as well.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I only walk at the moment, hoping to join the gym soon though. I lost around 35-40lbs a few years ago doing no exercise except walking. Some days at the moment it's an hour or more at a brisk pace, some days it's a lot less. Whatever I do I make sure to get out and at least do some walking each day, I figure a 10 minute stroll around the block is better than nothing at all.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    I do exercise now but the last time I was losing weight I lost 50 LBS with never doing anything more then watching calories.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    I do not exercise. I move allot and sometimes I ride my bike. I knew a very in shape and smart older lady years ago. I asked her if she went to the gym. She said she just moves allot and eats in moderation. She also said she was too busy living life to be in a gym for an hour or more a day. I just saw her last year again and shes in her mid to late 70's (guess) and she still looks great. It may be just in her genes, but I try to remember that advice. :happy:
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Honestly, exercise is only 10% of the equation. Food Quality and Proper Nutritoinal habits are the other 90%.

    You can workout til the cows come home but if you're not eating right, you won't get sustainable results.

    Fibromyalgia is one of the toughest to work around, but if you're doing what you can, that's the best you can do and can't be faulted or criticized for it.

    Nutritoinally speaking however, there's lots you can do and I wish you well on your journey. :-)

    This! ^
    I also wish you well on your journey! And your right, 10lbs at a time! :flowerforyou:
  • I don't exercise much either .I don't have any health issues just a tired over worked mother of four .Thats no excuse i know butI am going to start doing a few casual wallks around my neighborhood . I'm just starting with myfitnesspal and i have already lost 3lbs with just healthy choices and lots of water .GOOD LUCK
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    I have a hard time finding time to exercise. I have 3 kids, 2 jobs, and I'm in school. Also my kids all have after school activities, so I get in just a couple workouts a week.
    Two problems I have with exercise are heel spurs and arthritis. I've noticed that after days when I walk or try to jog, I am in a lot of pain. Something that has really helped me is yoga. It is very low impact, and easy on joints. Fortunately for me there is a yoga studio in my neighborhood, so I can walk over for a session a couple times a week. If you have never tried yoga, I highly recommend giving it a go. Most of the time the instructors know different positions and ways of doing poses so people with injuries and disabilities can participate right along with the yoga pros who have been doing it for years.
    Good luck with everything! I know it must be frustrating to actually not be able to work out as you would like.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I do not want a lecture on the importance of exercise.
    Here's the don't get to control who replies and what they say. Just sayin'.
  • snaxandpop
    snaxandpop Posts: 71 Member
    At least you are doing something! Exercise makes it a little faster, but doing nothing at all makes weight loss impossible. You are awesome for doing what you can.
  • Even though i should, i do not exercise! i do not go to the gym, or work out. I sometimes take the dog on walks...but the only exercise i get is walking to the fridge and back to the couch! lol just kidding ;)
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    44lbs DOWN...little exercise and most of what I have done has been water aerobics. I have primary progressive multiple sclerosis.
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    My co-worker joined MFP just about six weeks ago and isn't exercise and has lost 30+ pounds so far. I agree with another gentleman who said diet is 90% of the equation and I believe it. Once yo get some weight off through proper nutrition you might find it easier to add some in if you choose. I wish you much success!
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I exercise, but not like others do. I don't go to a gym. I either walk, bike or swim. I don't have any physical reason, other than I hate exercise. But my motto is "Do something...whatever you can and maybe it will be more than yesterday." I set my exercise goals to be as minimal as possible....30 minutes, three times a week, and I find that I am actually doing more like 5 times a week.
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