Body pain

Just wondering if anyone noticed a reduction in body aches and pains as the weight started to drop? I am hopeful that it won't always hurt just being awake =/


  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    My back pain almost completely gone with my 57 lb weight loss, pain leaving with weight loss also depends upon if the extra weight is causing the pain or other health issues is the problem, with me it was initially a work injury I had therapy for but the weight made it worse and losing the pounds made it much better, the pain can come back if I do the wrong things, such as lifting and moving items that are to heavy for me. I

    My friend she has knee and feet pain, it's because she put on 50 lbs and for her as she's losing the weight Her pain is less.

    I hope this information helps you and you find a resolution for your pain, I know alot of people living with pain who aren't overweight then what do you do.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member

    Also, my back hurts if I don't exercise regularly. This can be as simple as a short walk or gentle yoga.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    It obviously depends on what's causing your pain, but joint pain caused by having to bear excess weight could certainly help. I found both weight loss and exercise eased and eliminated some aches, pains, and discomfort I had told myself was just an unavoidable symptom of aging.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    Personally, yes, I saw very noticeable improvement. (I lost not quite 1/3 of my bodyweight at age 59-60, have been at a healthy weight for nearly 6 years since. I have at least one torn knee meniscus diagnosed by MRI, and suspect the other one has tears, too. I have some osteoarthritis in knees, hips, back)

    There was incremental improvement along the way as I lost weight, but realistically it took a while for the entire improvement to really settle into my body. I think there's maybe a recovery period, after the day to day strain of carrying extra weight, to see the full effect? (That's speculation.)

    Also speculative: I think there's been a subtle but meaningful overall improvement in my general sense of well-being. I don't think it's purely a psychological effect, though I have no proof. I've wondered whether it's a cumulative effect of lower routine pain/discomfort levels (which are a physical stressor); possibly slightly improved sleep with the lowered average discomfort/pain (though I still sleep badly, TBH); effects of being at a healthy bloody pressure and blood lipid levels; maybe generally reduced systemic inflammation? I don't know.

    Unlike many people, I'd become very active while still overweight/obese, and continued at that stage for well over 10 years, getting cardiovascularly more fit plus much stronger over that time. That, in itself, made improvements in pain and discomfort. In general, as long as I'm smart about sensibly gradual progress, recovery and injury avoidance, the stronger and fitter I get, the better I feel, in diverse ways . . . and that was true even at constant weight, even at a weight just over the line into class 1 obese.

    I think my nutrition may've improved a little, but my nutrition's been decent-ish overall throughout, so I don't have a personal perspective on whether improved nutrition reduces pain.

    Weight loss, for me, multiplied the improvement I got from improved fitness. Both weight loss and improved fitness can reduce pain, improve quality of life, I'm 100% convinced. Either one is better than neither, but both is a really good, useful thing - the best, IMO.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    My knees and back sure as heck know they aren't carrying around so much weight. My shoulders and hips--not so much.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited October 2021
    No more GERD. Hallelujah, hallelujah!!!!!

    My feet used to feel like my legs had become painful stubs after I’d been on them for more than a few minutes. That’s gone.

    Joint pain and pressure is mostly gone. I do have exercise related aches and pains (principally yoga butt) but I’ll take them over the old ones any day.

    But if for no other reason, I’ll fight and claw to keep this weight off to avoid ever having GERD again.
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    My legs use to hurrrrt all the time!! Now they pretty much only hurt at the end of the day when I am super tired. My siatica still gives me trouble, but I don't think it is weight related, but because I have had c-sections. It does feel better if I take the time I REALLY should to stretch.

  • Walkywalkerson
    Walkywalkerson Posts: 454 Member
    Losing 50lbs off of my body has made a big difference - I feel lighter and my feet don't hurt - even after a 10 mile hike.
    My lower back is thanking me too.