NSV -running

taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
People laugh when I tell them this. I understand, its completely and utterly ridiculous. I have this fear. Its been with me for as long as I can remember. Too much YouTube maybe?

I am scared of running on the treadmill. We are talking near panic attack just when I think of it. I am not scared of walking on the treadmill or the incline. Its just running. I also like running on the roads and tracks. Something about a conveyor running under you freaks me out... So, I decided yesterday was the day to grow a pair, figuratively speaking. I asked the trainer to help me. He told me the speed I should shoot for and asked if I wanted him to stand by me, I said no bc I wanted less of an audience for when I busted my ... you know. My friend was next to me on another treadmill. Laughing at me and telling me not to be such a, um baby. (she used a different word)

I must admit, i was walking pretty damn fast until I decided that at the 3 minute mark, it was time to go. I did it. It was amazing. The feeling of bucking up was the most rewarding. Step one of becoming a runner! In your FACE anxiety!


  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Well done i'm you had succeeded, keep it up
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Good for you! First time I ran on a treadmill I kept picturing AFV. I had seen videos with someone tripping and the darn machine sends them flying backwards into a wall or something :laugh: I was at the club a few months ago and did witness some set the pace too high and stumble a little. He looked around to see if anyone was watching. :blushing:
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    HAHA.. thank goodness I am not the only one who was visualizing face plants and flying!
  • dietpop
    dietpop Posts: 37 Member
    Congrats! ( My daughter had the same fear. )

    I just conquered a running fear - getting my gait analyzed at a running store. I thought I was doing it all wrong and would embarrass myself, but they didn't even make me run. :)
  • rjhw44
    rjhw44 Posts: 6 Member
    Must be a genetic fear. I keep one hand on the bar at all times. I try not to but I get nervous.
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