Feeling discouraged by plateau

I hit a plateau about 9 days ago. This is so discouraging, especially cuz I started my fitness program this week. I know fitness doesn't mean results right away, but I did hope to see a pound or two come off. How do I start losing again? The first 20 lbs melted away, and I don't want to lose sight of my end goal just because of a plateau.


  • Have you only had this plateau for the nine days, or has it been longer? If it has only been nine days, please stick with what you're doing for a few more weeks. What kind of food are you eating? Do you change up your exercises? Sometimes it can be something really small that will help you get where you want to be.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I had a 10 day plateau this month. I've dropped a pound every day for three days now. I didn't change what I was doing except for adding a bit of strength training to my exercise routine.
  • Stay the course ! Sometimes no weight loss is just your body adjusting to your new life style and adding the fitness program will help jump start the weight loss again. drink plenty of water, keep an accurate and honest food diary and walk at least 30 mins ./ day. Good luck
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    How close are you to your goal? The less you have to lose, the HARDER it is...It took me almost a month to lose 2 lbs twice (once to hit 30 lost and second to hit 40 lost)...but if you stick with it it will change....how is your water and sodium intake?
  • tawalsh01
    tawalsh01 Posts: 9 Member
    Change up your workout routine. If you are doing the same thing all the time, your body adapts to it and stops making changes. try doing something different. Lift heavier or if you have been doing that, lift lighter. Change the type of cardio that you do. Always keep your body guessing. Change every 3 to 4 weeks. Also, could be your food intake. Make sure that you are eating enough. A lot of people don't eat enough believe it or not. Don't go below 1200 calories. :-)
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Dont give up! I hit the plateau for like...2 months... then I ate more... and it broke, and then came a new one... then I kept maintenance for a long time and then I tried eating only 300cals less and it broke again!
    This is when patience is valuable:)!
  • It's been 9 days with no weight loss. I think it's bothering me because of the extreme fitness I'm doing.

    I'm on a whole foods diet, which means I only eat fresh produce and lean protein, and absolutely nothing that is processed.

    I joined a program called Kosama, which is a body shaping program consisting of plyometrics, upper and lower body, abs, kick boxing, kettle bells, and yoga. The only thing I've changed in addition to extreme work outs is eat a whole lot more protein.

    I'll give it more time definitely. I just hate feeling discouraged in this journey to a new me.
  • I've lost 20 lbs of a nearly 80 lb goal. Since I'm working out so much, I drink nearly 100 ounces of water a day to stay hydrated. Sodium is extremely low, as I only eat the sodium that comes naturally in produce.
  • My fitness program has changes built into it. We do plyometrics, upper body, lower body, abs, kettle bells, kick boxing, and yoga on a rotational basis.
  • tawalsh01
    tawalsh01 Posts: 9 Member
    Watch you Macro nutrients also (protein,carbs & fat) too much of one or all of those can do it also :-)
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Sweetheart let me just tell you...do not be discouraged! I have been plateau'd while on this journey 3 times and each time I had to tweak things by doing several different things (also taking advice from trainers, etc).
    1. Change up your workout routine every 3 to 4 weeks, if you can every 2 weeks (this tricks your body) you always want to keep your body guessing.
    2. Intake large quantities of water preferably over 100 ounces a day ( I am still having a hard time with this one, minimum I drink 64 and some days well over a 100)
    3. Incorporate some sort of strength training outside of your regular cardio workouts
    4. Every 5th week, take a week off...sometimes our bodies just need a break from the beating we give it and when we get back on the next week, wow its like boom-bam believe me.
    Keep pushing this is not a sprint, but a never-ending marathon. Don't be discouraged. I truly understand I was there a few times and I would have to break out the measuring tape sometimes to see how many inches I lost or try on something I couldn't fit before.
    We all believe in you. Keep us posted! That plateau doesn't have a chance! ;-)
  • A while foods diet like the one I'm on is naturally low cabs and low fat. My trainer suggested a lot more protein since I'm building more muscle so I can burn more calories. I take in about 85 grams of protein a day.
  • Thanks for your encouraging words!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Do you have a rest day from your exercise? Just wondering because you mentioned an intense exercise schedlue. Often I lose when I have a break from exercise after intense exercise. To me 9 days doesn't always mean a plateau. However if you have lost 10% of your original weight it may be the start of one. Before the 10% your weight loss can slow but keep going. In this blog there are 2 links to really helpful articles. One explains plateaus and one approach to dealing with then the other really is helpful in figuring out how to get out of one. Usually it involves seeing what you have taken to its most intense level and where you haven't. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/KeriA/view/plateaus-revisited-132685 If your caolries have been really low for a long time you may need to up them. If you have taken cardio to its max intensity focus on weight training and back off abit on cardio. If you are doing weight training intensely then switch over to cardio. It explains what the maximum level there is. Such as low intensity cardio vs adding in high intensity intervals etc. Best wishes.
  • Yes, we have a 6 day stretch of workouts and then one day rest. But even on the rest day, I feel guilty not doing anything!

    My calories were really low for a bit , and about 2 weeks ago, I learned I absolutely need to hit 1200 at a minimum, no matter what. So I fixed that problem!

    I'll look at the links. Thanks!
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    Tomorrow will be 32 days since I came back to MFP and haven't lost a single pound. I gained 2 but I think tomorrow I will break my plateau. I added a lot more cardio this week and have been eating back some of the calories that I burned. I did weight myself the past 2 days it has been below where I started so that is a great thing, since I have been working so hard. Just stick with it.. You are stronger. Do not quit!, It will pass and you will lose, patience and will power.

    Good luck!!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    As someone who has been on a 4 month plateau get a mesuring tape. start mesuring. When weight loss stalls your body might want to lose inches too and you find during these stalls a inch or 2 fall off.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    MEASURE yourself~!! Right now!!

    In August, I lost only 2 lbs....TWO..........but I lost 3 inches off my hips THREE and 3.5 off my waist....a total of SIX inches just in those two areas - I haven't measured other areas...I need to....I was amazed by that....and I'd rather lose inches than pounds - so try that and see where you are in a month....keep going! If you quit, you'll never reach your goal
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    As someone who has been on a 4 month plateau get a mesuring tape. start mesuring. When weight loss stalls your body might want to lose inches too and you find during these stalls a inch or 2 fall off.

    Yes I lost so many inches in my plateau. Good point!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    It's been 9 days with no weight loss. I think it's bothering me because of the extreme fitness I'm doing.

    I'm on a whole foods diet, which means I only eat fresh produce and lean protein, and absolutely nothing that is processed.

    I joined a program called Kosama, which is a body shaping program consisting of plyometrics, upper and lower body, abs, kick boxing, kettle bells, and yoga. The only thing I've changed in addition to extreme work outs is eat a whole lot more protein.

    I'll give it more time definitely. I just hate feeling discouraged in this journey to a new me.

    It sounds to me like you're probably gaining muscle while losing fat! Have you been taking measurements?! You're body changes in more than just weight so it's important to not just live by the scale.