Making MFP Friends Helps with Motivation

Hello, MFP! I'm returning and this time I am taking steps to make MFP a "home." I no longer want to be a guest who occasionally visits, but rather a permanent resident. Dave Ramsey says we should "study" successful people. So each day I have been visiting the success message board looking for successful people to be friends with. It motivates me to do more when I see other people exercising more. It motivates me to eat under my calorie goal when other people do. My goal for now is to lose 30 pounds and to fit back into some super cute clothes I wore a few years back. I'm 5'2 and 30 years old. I've rode the weight gain- weight-loss roller coaster for about 10 years now. I want off this ride! I want to be healthy and strong. Good luck to everyone! Maybe we'll be my fitness pals.


  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Agreed!! The motivational and support aspect of MFP is what is making the difference for me. It helps me think about what I'm eating and logging. :-D
  • MissDitzyBlonde
    Hey! I agree also, it really motivates me to know I have friends on MFP that can see if I have worked out for the day or if I've eaten under my calorie goal, I've 19lbs I want to lose so feel free to add me as a fitness buddie :)