Support for ladies struggling with fitness and nutrition

Hey lovely’s. I wanted to create a group for any ladies out there struggling with their nutrition and fitness. This is a save place 💖


  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,366 Member
    What kinds of struggles?
    I might be able to recommend some existing groups that are thriving.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,170 Member
    Wow, you just joined the Community today (though I see your profile is from August), and your first post is wanting to create a place for women struggling with their nutrition and fitness. Your profile says you're male. Are you a personal trainer, or something like that? Call me cynical, but I'd hesitate to join a group with so little information provided.

    There are bunches of people here in the MFP Community who help women who are struggling with their nutrition and fitness, including some professionals who are open about their credentials, not to mention experienced amateurs who share what's worked for them. What are you offering, and what's your experience?

    Thanks for clarifying!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    There are many existing groups, as well as the forums here in general, as well as many long time members with extreme success, such as ann, margaret, myself, and many, many others- several of whom are well credentialed and verifiable Personal Trainers who routinely help openly and publicly.

    So. Welcome. And feel free to join in the many public discussions and share your experiences, history, and knowledge with everyone.

    There is no discernible difference, other than caloric needs and some macronutrient needs, for men and women.