What is your demon?



  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    I am an emotional eater, but I also eat when I am bored. These binges have made me completely incapable of being able to guage a suitable portion.

    Whenever I felt bad I would eat untill the only thing that stopped me was feeling like I would throw up! now I can easily eat 400g of cooked pasta with sauce, cheese and a couple of cans of real coke and that would feel normal!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I was a long time drug user (17 years) so during that time I would only eat every couple of days when I would come down.When I quit and started eating everyday I put on 100 pounds in about a year and a half then i just stopped gaining.The whole time I was gaining I was not eating more that 1500 to 1600 calories a day
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    Food! I like it, a lot. And if it's good, I want more. If it's great, I want a lot more.
  • peripah
    peripah Posts: 120 Member
    Eating lunch out every weekday for a year and a half. Hello, 40 pounds! Stick around for awhile, why don't you?
  • jwls29
    jwls29 Posts: 9
    I'm an emotional eater. Now, for most, that means when they've had a bad day. For me it means happy, sad, disappointed, excited-you name it, I eat. I eat out of boredom and eat gigantic portions. This is the one thing I'm really working on. Oh, and I didn't exercise, unless you call flipping channels on the remote, exercise.
  • VelmaD76
    VelmaD76 Posts: 9 Member
    Pregnancy and emotional eating.
    I had 4 kids in 8 years and never quite lost all the baby weight before the next pregnancy. Ten pounds here and there tends to add up and then my thyroid quit on me. Then one by one, all my kids developed health issues. There was a lot of anxiety, stress, fear, and other emotions that I didn't really have time to deal with properly so I ate instead. I'd eat a large portion, become ashamed of how much I ate, then I'd eat some more because "the day was already ruined". That lead to the rest of the weight gain.
  • av8rblond
    av8rblond Posts: 140
    Portion sizes...I thought they were just a suggestion and if you really liked what you were eating then it was game on.
    Also, eating mindlessly late at night when the house is asleep and I am alone...finally...then going to sleep with that 500 calories just sitting in my stomach for 8 hours.
  • cybillzimmer
    cybillzimmer Posts: 5 Member
    I have a sweet tooth... and so long as I don't eat any I'm good, but once I start, it's like heroin. I can eat a whole large pan of brownies when no one is looking, or scarf down a half gallon of ice cream in 20 minutes.

    I'm sure a lot of you can relate... I have a lot of stress at work. When I need a break from it, I find myself at the candy jar... once I jump in, I soon find myself drowning in chocolate.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Probably mostly just age. I'm also a boredom eater. And a grazer. And was in a very unhappy marriage. But the most significant change has been my slowing metabolism as I've gotten older.