All mommies I need help please!!

I have two little boys and I suffered pretty bad stretch marks and still cant seem to get rid of my baby fat! I need help. Does anyone know of anything i can use OTHER than coco butter on my stretch marks? And do u know if there are any certain type of workouts that would be best for my baby fat?


  • sosayscyndi
    sosayscyndi Posts: 35 Member
    mederma makes a stretch mark cream, kinda pricey, but it helps. Pilates is good for tightening your core. Good luck. My youngest is 7 months:)
  • BioOil they have it at walgreens that will help your stretch marks. I used that during my pregnancy and barely got any!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Unfortunately stretch marks are basically hereditary! I got em bad too with my 1st baby and they stayed! Not just in my stomach, sides, legs, butt,,,yeah, gross! A lot of cardio and strength training combined has shaken off a lot of this baby bulge of mine! Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper are my heros!!
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I was terrified that my stretch marks/extra skin (from two daughters) would never go away. But the more I do the 30 Day Shred I can actually see my skin tightening and my stretch marks becoming less visible on my tummy. I have heard great things about Bioil and I'm going to get some to help move along 'the old me'.

    Thanks for the post! :)
    Good luck!

    ps - this is terrible but i was joking with my friend tonight about how when i do push ups or that type of movement while working out (just in a sports bra) my belly hangs and looks like a jelly fish....i was serious :s
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I also have 2 babies! (a boy and a girl) I'm not sure about the stretch marks thing, but I do have a great post-baby workout. I recommend this workout for anyone really! I did it after I had my son and it was incredible how it helped to pull in my core. I can actually feel my ab muscles! (granted I have a nice little cushion over those abs now but that's why I'm on this site! haha)
    Anyway, the workout is a DVD by Tracy Anderson. It is called: The Tracy Anderson Method Presents Post-Pregnancy Workout DVD. It starts with about 25 minutes of abs, then it goes into 15 minutes of legs/butt and then it ends with arms. (it is 47 minutes long) It isn't broken into segments but you can stop the DVD and do whatever you have time for. Hope this helps! If this doesn't work for you I know you will find something else- just stick with it. Good luck!
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Lindsay Brin 60-day slimdown. It's meant for Mom's. I finished last week and the program is great.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    My daughter will be 8 soon and I still have the pouch and the stretchmarks will never go away. I might be able to shrink the tummy a bit more if I'm lucky. The stretchmarks faded within a year but they cover my entire stomach, my breasts, upper thighs, and my upper butt. Nothing can be done for those, lol. You just have to learn to love them.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but stretch marks are pretty much heriditary. I've heard Mederma will help them fade, but really, there's nothing that will get rid of them.
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    I use Vitiman E oil with firm lotion right when I get out of the shower. It works. And my first daughter did a number on me! i was 125 to 212!! i had G.D i didnt do this until after she was born, and with my 2end baby. it has lighten them up a lot and yes firming exercises like yoga helps. but no way to get rid of them. :( crys
  • Haha thats so funny i have the same problem!!!
  • I swear by BioOil. I gained almost eighty pounds while I was pregnant with my son so not only did I get an insane amount of stretchmarks because of that but they got worse and I got even more when I dropped almost fourty pounds in a month and a half but I started using BioOil seven months into my pregnancy when the stretchmarks started popping up and they're hardly noticeable six months later. Hope this helps! :)
  • Thanks soo much to all of you! I got the bio oil this morning and i already have the mederma. I appreciate all the tips!!
  • RachelMinAus
    RachelMinAus Posts: 12 Member
    It all comes down to genetics!! I used bioOil through my first pregnancy (twins) and my stomach is horrible!!! They are now 6 and my daughter is 5 and I'm getting a tummy tuck as soon as I'm at goal!!