Questions about purchasing an elliptical machine...

I've been wanting to buy an elliptical machine for about 6 months now and was wondering if anyone else has ever used one with success? I've only used an elliptical machine once, my boyfriend's mother had one about 3 years ago she was getting ready to sell. When I used it I was only on it for about 30-35 minutes but it said I had burned almost 380 calories! I know the calories burned counters on exercise machines can be off, so I've invested in a Heart Rate Monitor, but I'm still wondering if anyone else has had success with an elliptical, so I can determine if it's a worthy investment...

Any feedback would be very greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!! :happy:


  • hollybearrington
    I have one. I cant say that I love it. maybe a love hate thing (lol). Really I hate it .But Im there every night workout as much as my body will let me. Im way out of shape. As I am on it I go by it tells me but then I come in and log it on MFP and this other website that takes my weight and figures out what I really did burn. here is the website
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    I used one at hotel gyms for 3 weeks a year ago. Did not lose - was on vacation in Hawaii - but my husband made several nice comments about how great my butt and thighs looked by the end of 3 weeks, so I recommend it. I choose it over a treadmill whenever it is available because I have arthritis and it is low impact.
  • bubbles143
    I love e elipitical! I do at least thirty minutes everytimme I go to the gym (about 4/5 days a week) and I feel GREAT after my exercise! Just be careful, the one I use is a realll workout! And when you log it, log the calories, not the minutes, it's always says two or three times more calories burned on this site then I actually burn. Good luck, I suggest in the investment!
  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    I love it! It's my favourite machine. It can give you a serious work out if your push yourself. My left knee has some issues and treadmills tend to amplify it for me so i really needed something low impact. I just got one two weeks ago and use it almost every day to get my cardio in. I think its a great workout and does wonders for my lower body. I'd definitely recommend.
  • bubbles143
    I used one at hotel gyms for 3 weeks a year ago. Did not lose - was on vacation in Hawaii - but my husband made several nice comments about how great my butt and thighs looked by the end of 3 weeks, so I recommend it. I choose it over a treadmill whenever it is available because I have arthritis and it is low impact.

    Truedat! My bum is actually getting bigger from using one! It's great for those muscles where as treadmills are more for shedding weight.
  • emyback68
    I have had an elliptical for about 8 years, and I love it. It is the one thing that has kept me on track with exercise, because it is always available. I know a lot of people say they are boring, but I use the time to read, or listen to audiotapes, music or podcasts. It is also a great filler when you do a 40 minute DVD, but then want to just go a little bit longer.

    Get one with an incline and at least 10 resistance levels and the crossbars for the arms. You can do intervals by switching levels or incline. I also do it with 3 or 5 pound dumbells (that really gets your heart rate going!). You should get a good calorie burn (follow your HRM, I find the machine is too high).
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I bought this one about 2 weeks ago.

    Cheap, pretty minimal unit, but I'm dripping with sweat in about half the time on it than I do walking at 3MPH. Supposedly I burn around 700 calories in 30 minutes on it according to MFP, I doubt it's that high, but by the time I'm done, I feel like I've done way more than I have doing any other cardiovascular workout, so I'm pretty happy with it at this point. Plus, I can queue up some Netflix and watch it without a problem since the elliptical is pretty much silent.
  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
    I love the elliptical! That and the stairmaster are my best friends! I definitely recommend it. Just know it's easy to get distracted and lazy when your on the elliptical so just be conscious to push yourself!
  • Glam0809
    Hi, I have an elliptical trainer and it's a great investment. Since I started MFP on Sept. 1, 2011, I've successfully lost 10 lbs. eating healthy and using the elliptical every night. I burn about 600 cals. doing 45 min. on the weight loss training feature. Wish you all the best on your journey.
  • pritichandran
    pritichandran Posts: 23 Member
    I highly recommend an elliptical machine especially for home. We have a basic low-end Precor that doesn't have bells and whistles on it that we purchased from a local exercise equipment store. We've had it for 7 yrs now, paid about $2K for it but it's worth every penny. My husband and I both use it almost daily. It's a great way to get an awesome workout in your busy day. You can challenge yourself with varied resistance. Or you can do 10 followed by some strength supersets and repeat. My favorite is to wear my heart rate monitor and do 45 min of intervals. If you're going to invest in one, I'd recommend not to get a cheap one. Buy the best and cry once!
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I LOVE the elliptical at the gym. I burn about 600-700 calories per hour. I want to get one for my home, but I can't afford it right now and have no where to put it :P I really like working out on it though with just my MP3 player :)
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    See if you can find an eliptical at a used sports store or on craigslist. I got mine for $150, it's not super high tech but it gets the job done! My only complaint is I get bored with it and also the tips of my big toe get numb after 30 minutes.
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    I've been wanting to buy an elliptical machine for about 6 months now and was wondering if anyone else has ever used one with success? I've only used an elliptical machine once, my boyfriend's mother had one about 3 years ago she was getting ready to sell. When I used it I was only on it for about 30-35 minutes but it said I had burned almost 380 calories! I know the calories burned counters on exercise machines can be off, so I've invested in a Heart Rate Monitor, but I'm still wondering if anyone else has had success with an elliptical, so I can determine if it's a worthy investment...

    Any feedback would be very greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!! :happy:
    I love my elliptical, I bought a higher end model and use it almost daily. It is great for low impact exercise and does more than just cardio. based on your settings you can tone your arms and upper body as well. i have 14 programs on mine and i use all of them! I love my elliptical, it allows me to work out year round in my basement!
  • Marieanto
  • felon72