College Newbie

Hello all!!

My name is Sonya and I will be recently graduating from college and want to feel a little better about myself. Not really the going to the gym type so I will be looking for lots of new ways to excercise without the stares of my college peers. =)

Excited for my start to my new journey of a more healthy lifestyle.


  • amberjay0
    amberjay0 Posts: 28 Member
    You can do it :) gurrl
  • fosterr8
    I'm a college student. Definitely gained the 'freshman 15' in my first year. Managed to get it off though :) Good luck with your weight loss goals!

  • narenn
    2nd year in college now. Like foster8, freshman15 hit me hard, and I was already over weight!

    At first I wasn't big on exercising around my peers either, but later on you find out it really doesn't matter. Good luck and welcome to mfp!