Down 12 pounds in 15 days =)

Ever since I could remember, my weight has fluctuated. And I don’t just mean gain 5 pounds here, lose 10 pounds there… My weight has fluctuated by as much as EIGHTY pounds within the past 5 years. I'm tired of feeling defeated. I decided that this time I have to get it right. A few years ago I went on a no carb diet and lost a ton of weight. However, the weight came right back on…. Plus more than I even started with. I hope that the plan I’ve implemented for myself doesn’t backfire this time as well. Instead of a no carb diet, I'm on a low carb diet. But more importantly, I'm making better food choices. Many foods like fruits and vegetables are loaded with good carbohydrates.

In the past 15 days alone I have lost 12 pounds!! I have eliminated all bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. (With the exception of a sweet potato that I had the other day…. Sweet potatoes are very healthy! Believe it or not, they have less sugar than many fruits). Also, no cereals, crackers, cakes/cookies, chips, foods breaded and fried…. You get the picture. Some people say that this isn’t realistic for long-term success. But I feel better than I have in a very long time. I'm eating plenty of lean proteins (grilled chicken, organic eggs, fish, organic grass-fed beef) as well as lots of fresh, green vegetables, raw peppers, mushrooms, etc.…

As for fruits, I have had apples here and there. For the most part, berries [strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries] are the healthiest fruits you can eat. I’ve been eating organic strawberries every day. They are pretty low in sugar. I'm staying away from mangos, grapes, cherries, oranges and tangerines--- they are very high in sugar. I'm not saying these foods are “bad” for you, they’re fruits! But I know what works for my body, and I really don’t recommend consuming these fruits every day. Stick with the berries!!

I’ve also been eating reduced fat mozzarella string cheese as well as plain* organic Greek yogurt. The plain Greek yogurt that I eat has around 6-8 grams of sugar; the flavored Greek yogurts have much, much more. I recommend staying away from other types of yogurt. I feel as though yogurt is marketed to sound like a health food, when really its loadedddd with unhealthy sugar.

Unsalted nuts are also a healthy snack!

Anyway… I'm no doctor or nutritionist, but I just wanted to share these tips for anyone who is currently struggling with their weight. All the research I’ve done says that sugar (“bad sugar”) really is our ENEMY!! That’s why I feel confident eating this way. Bread makes me fat. Pasta makes me fat. I don’t care if it’s white, brown, whole wheat, multi grain…. I’ve decided it is just not good for me. I’ve also read that “Smart Balance” butter and other “diet” replacements are NOT good for us. They are loaded with unhealthy ingredients. It’s ok to use "real" butter every now and then!!

Lean proteins + vegetables + berries and “low” sugar fruits + dairy in moderation = my success so far.



  • tyedyelady
    keep up the good work! I am just starting out and have also moved around the scale by about 80 lbs - I too am tired of feeling like I dont have any control.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Sounds very Paleo to me. :wink:
  • ukphd
    ukphd Posts: 24 Member

    what you're doing sounds very similar to the lifestyle I've been trying to follow - it's called the 7 day kick start but is actually more of a total diet change and outlook on food. I've been following it and loving it! it's totally changed the way I eat and is something I think I can follow for life :)

    (check out this post for more info:
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Awesome!! I don't think it's "unrealistic" at all. I've been eating that way for six years now.
  • nello105
    Please, keep attention and track during the time your blood urea nitrogen.
    Please, do not extend too much in the time this type of alimentation.
    You could add more variety of foods to your alimentation. Consult your physician.
  • Jesse13
    Great tips, but hard for ME to commit to this way of eating. Maybe a temp. fix for me and then back to a slice of Pizza, fries, or

    some other unhealthy junk....That's how I got here. Wish you the best.
  • elimay59
    good job !!!!!!!! I have a problem whith carbs too, there is a great recipe its called muffin in a minute adkins its been very helpfull , I eat fruit but no bread pasta ect.....