
Every day I seem to go over on my protein intake. How important is it to stay under the daily goal of protein. I stay under my calorie intake, but always go over on protein. Please help.


  • donaldliggett
    Every day I seem to go over on my protein intake. How important is it to stay under the daily goal of protein. I stay under my calorie intake, but always go over on protein. Please help.
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    I find myself in the same situation. It hasn't seemed to affect my weight loss yet, but I'm concerned that it will. I stay under on everything else, but frequently find myself over in protein.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Don't get too hung up on the numbers. Unless you are a body builder or a serious athlete the numbers are only a guideline. Many of us believe the protein requirements on this site are a little too low. Stay within your calorie guidelines and make sure you are eating a balanced diet of lean protien, high quality carbs, lots of veggies, and healthy fat (fat is not the enemy) and you'll be fine.
  • Joanneh
    Joanneh Posts: 40 Member
    This question has just occurred to me too! Would love an answer. I've seen on some websites that women should eat 100g of protein a day and men 150g.
  • marisa0918
    marisa0918 Posts: 178
    Too much protein is not bad...I doubt you go over enough to cause any damage . MFP has the macros for protein set pretty low, so you're fine to go over on it.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I go over on protein every single day. Like others have said, the site numbers are low on protein and in my opinion, high on carbs...I never reach the carb number.

    Balance is a good idea. Read Read Read on web get different opinions...
    good luck
  • nerveracker
    Here's a good estimate of what your protein count should be per day.
    If you're athletic, working out, have a good fitness plan, you should be getting about 1.1-1.5g of protein per pound of body weight daily. Protein EVERY meal.. Every snack, all day! Proteins are the best for your metabolism. Check out my post Repairing your broken furnace (Metabolism), it's a lengthy read, but it explains a lot and why proteins are VERY important to ANYONE on a "diet"/nutrition plan.
    Personally, I try to get @ 220g of proteins per day. And my calorie count should be in the 2100/day neighborhood, but it ends up being @ 1700-1900 per day. For more answers please read that post.. it is a long read, but it should give you the info you seek!.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Protein and fats are good for you...........Will help you stay fuler, longer as it takes longer to digest.

    Fruit should always be eaten with protein and most carbs should be eaten with some type of protein, slows down digestion so you don't get sugar spikes and unstable blood sugar............
  • nerveracker
    please read Repairing your broken furnace (Metabolism) for an in depth guide on when to eat what and to eat what with what. Lengthy read, but full of good info. here's the link to it.