How much do your significant others or family members know about your relationship with MFP, or just weight loss in general?
Do you tell them every time you log on? Or do you tell them you measure food because you're watching portions? Do you tell them that you can't have xyz?


  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    My mother knows that I'm on the site as I've tried coaxing her on as well (she writes everything down manually).... no significant other at the moment, but I imagine that I'd tell him I was watching what I eat... but unless he was looking to drop a few pounds, I'm keeping my secret weapon a secret!
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    yup... my hubs and kids and in-laws and folks and sister lol its goes on and on... they all know how passionate I am about MFP and what I do or don't put in my mouth. I think it drives them nuts sometimes.. I go for dinner and they have to break down their recipes for me so I can input it LOL but they love me so they support me :-)
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    My family knows that I'm losing weight and that I'm a vegetarian. That's about all they really need to know.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yes my hubby and family know how committed I've been with MFP...they kept asking me what I was doing and how I could have lost so much. I just said its a hard road to go on but it can be done. Thankfully I found this wonderful site to help me in my journey and to have my husband support me and my 3 kiddos :flowerforyou:
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    My husband refuses to join, but he knows I use MFP and the app on my iPhone because I won't eat it until I log it. He just eats the food I buy. To be fair, I'm happy about that because it means he's eating less crap and I've noticed that he's eating healthier in general. I don't think he's lost any weight, but eating healthier is a good first step.

    I absolutely don't hide it from him - he is very supportive and encouraging.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    My husband knows all about MFP and my struggles/goals with fitness and weight loss. He supports me 100%. I don't really restrict anything from my diet because then that would mess with my mind too much and I'd want to have it only because I can't. I do, however, try to make wise choices. I tell him everything...I gripe about going over calories, or gripe about having a huge deficit. He knows that as soon as he gets home from work, he's tagged to entertain the kids while I go upstairs and workout. :love: He knows it's important to me so he supports me and all my craziness.
  • shankleefranklee
    My boyfriend, who's recently lost 50lb and gone from being in danger to an early age heart attack to his doctor asking to to tell him his secrets, wanted to make stuffed chicken and I just said I'd make my own. I wound up telling him "I am trying to lose weight. I am counting calories and logging it all. I am a part of a group challenge online. I want a food scale."

    He's buying me he thinks this is awesome. So, I started running around the kitchen showing him my "special food" that I buy and showed him this site - which he knew I was apart of before just not to the extent.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    My husband knows I'm on here and supports me, but doesn't know exactly what I log etc.
    My son is on here (hi mate) as he trims down ahead of his wedding.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    My DH knows I'm on this site and sees me log regularly but I don't give him a play by play. I also don't typically say I "can't" eat something. I just don't eat it and leave it at that. In our house I try to make sure the food we're eating as a family is in general healthy food. Since making some changes my DH has lost close to 30 pounds without any effort or really even much of a clue! We do talk openly about health and nutrition but I try not to harp on him or the kids. I will make my kids use the kitchen scale when they're getting servings of things because they'll take a bunch, get full and throw it away. I figure making them weigh the serving out keeps them from wasting as well as making them aware of what a serving size looks like. And since I use the forums and don't want him to worry at all about what I might be doing here, I gave DH my password and he is free to check up on my account at anytime. To my knowledge he's never done it but he can if he wants to.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    My bf knows I'm on here and has looked at my food diarys and stuff , he's super into making me not cheat when writing what I eat now lol it's great to have that kind of push. He's skinny and eats a lot of junk because he can but keeps me in check and pushes me to lose more weight
  • seyran
    My parents and DH now how passionate I am about MFP, actually almost all my close friends aswell. I recomended this site enthusiastically :)
  • Kmarr32010
    Kmarr32010 Posts: 244 Member
    My husband is on here too, although he hasn't logged on in a few days. EVERYONE knows about my journey. I am VERY proud of my weightloss so I want to share it with everyone so they can use the site too. I'm always telling people about MFP! No reason to keep such a wonderful thing to yourself!