Still hungry?

I'm 5'4'' and currently just shy of 130lbs. I wouldn't mind loosing more weight, my previous goal was 120-125. I was down to 126 near the end of June and fitting back into my size 4's. I'm still fitting those same 4's but almost 5lbs heavier. Until last week I was doing 30min on a resistance setting on my elliptical machine every morning. Last month I started adding in push ups, bicycle crunches and reverse crunches.
I had my calories set at 1200ish in June, then exercising and burning roughly 300-400 a day. I would eat all 1500-1600 calories by bedtime, and I was still hungry. Couldn't sleep unless I ate at least another 200 calories. I changed my calorie intake from weight loss to maintenance in July, rather than be frustrated that I was always going over. They're still set that way now. Yesterday, I did 20m on the elliptical, imputed the 260 calories it tells me I burned. By that evening I still had to get all the way up to 2021 calories before I was just full enough to sleep. I did try to go to sleep when I was around 1730, but my stomach kept growling and I knew if I didn't I was going to be miserable. I do make sure I get at least 70g of protein a day while aiming for 80g.

So is this normal? Do I just have a fast metabolism? Did I likely just build enough muscle over the last 6 months that my body just has to have more food?


  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    eat more protein and fiber rich foods. Make sure your carbs aren't all simple sugar. Complex carbs keep you fuller longer.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I started running. Recently, I decided to back off on my protein intake and trying to increase my carbs. I'm hungry all the time now. I feel like I eat worse than before. I hate it!

    I think I gotta change the carbs that I'm eating. I can barely make 1/2 of the requirement of carbs.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I should also add (i say this all the time on here)... My dietcian told me that hunger pains can also be signs of dehydration. He said that is why people might feel hungrier while working out more..simply because they r dehdrated. I increased my water alot and that seem to help get rid of a lot hunger pains. Im working a lot more now and my urine is darker so maybe im more dehydrated than i assume...and not hungrier because of carbs.
  • I do drink a good amount of water. It's almost all I drink. When you say more protein and fiber, how many grams are you talking about? I'm hitting or exceeding the goals for both that MFP assigns, most days anyway- including those that I'm still hungry. I'm fairly certain it's not that I'm not drinking enough water, urine is pretty pale considering the amount B vitamins I take between a B vit and my multivit.