Well gosh-darnit!

So I have watching what I eat, working out, drinking tons of water, and getting good rest. But for some reason the past two weeks I have been working at it, I haven't lost any weight or inches. I am hoping it's not because of the depression meds, or anti-anxiety meds that i'm on.

I am still highly motivated to lose this weight that I put back on. About 30 pounds or so. But it's just really annoying to me that I am working hard and nothing is budging. :\


  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    It is frustrating to be putting in the work and not see results. Don't give up! Some bodies are just harder to budge than others but you'll see results eventually. You might want to check with your doc or read up on side effects to the meds you are on. Not that you can change them, but at least you'll know if they are adding to your lack of results. Hang in there!
  • ms1978
    ms1978 Posts: 26 Member
    I have the same problem!! I've been doing this since the 1st of August and I've only lost 1 stinking pound!! Everyone else in my group on here has lost in the double digits and it's hard sometimes not to get discouraged, but I keep reminding myself (with my husbands help =) that it's a slow race and that the important thing is that I'm eating right and exercising, the rest will come....hang in there =)
  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    Hi, The main thing is to never give up, you have to keep working on it. I have been stuck in that rut for a while now, but i know if i keep on working out and staying focused it will happen. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • stormdancer
    stormdancer Posts: 32 Member
    Well that two-weeks says a lot to me. Its not enough time yet. Give it two more weeks and you will see it then! Women are cursed with that monthly thing that we have no control over. Its just water weight, you will see, keep going, just two more weeks, and then weigh and measure.

    I've been there. And I remember, I was just getting started on my dietplan, I was doing all the right things but the measuring tape and scale werent reflecting it at first. In fact, it said I had gained a little! Frustrating! But someone assured me it was just water-weight too, and it was!

    Two weeks after that I had not only lost that 2 pounds I had 'gained' I had lost another 3.5 pounds as well. Just expect that one week of every month the scale will not be your pal.

    Another factor is, of course, that if you are exercising, then you are building up muscle. And muscle does weigh more than fat weighs. So put more faith in your measuring tape than your scale.
  • @sdaniellelay - Awesome that you are still motivated.

    Do you mind sharing your diary with me so I can have a look?
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    You are not alone! Question: have you measured yourself? Sometimes, the inches come off before the pounds do..and that in itself is very liberating! But I do understand, the scale is the devil! LOL Don't give up, though! :wink: