for nerds who need to lose/gain weight



  • NocteLibri
    NocteLibri Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all. Just joined up today. I and my husband are cosplayers and fans of Star Wars, Star Trek, Anime (older stuff like Ghost in the Shell, Inyuasha, Bleach, One Piece, Cowboy Beebop, Death Note and others), Cartoon Network shows and most other sci-fi and fantasy that crosses our radar. I am currently writing a series of pagan fantasy books while my husband is working on a steampunk trilogy in both script & book forms. I need to lose 40-50 lbs. for hernia repair surgery and it's seems a daunting task, but I think it's the best motivation I've ever had in my life, so I'm ready to do it!
  • NocteLibri
    NocteLibri Posts: 25 Member
    Lorelei19 wrote: »
    Anyone still around?

    Just joined up today. Nice to meet you. I love your hair color, it's awesome!
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    Missed this thread the first time around. Pretty equal-opportunity nerd, engineer, & cosplayer. Been on MFP since 2012, got into cosplay in ~2014 and started lifting in 2015 primarily to fill out my superhero costumes more readily.
  • Lorelei19
    Lorelei19 Posts: 107 Member
    edited November 2021
    @NocteLibri Thanks! I got myself a snobbish job and had to tone it down a bit, but I still keep a bit of it colored. Cause who doesn't like color? ^_^ Also.... pagan fantasy books? I'm very curious....

    @steveko89 I'm kinda impressed about the lifting to fill out your costumes. I don't think I've met anyone who ever did that before. I'm not quite there, but I'm hoping to kinda do the same thing. lol

    I wanna lose weight so I can feel more comfortable to actually *start* cosplaying. I love the concept but have never really felt okay enough to do it. I'm using it as one of my goals.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    Thanks, it’s been a really fun and frankly a fulfilling experience. Growing up I was never happy with my doughy nerd physique so getting to a point as an adult where I actually feel strong and come close to looking the part has been beneficial in a myriad of ways.

    The suit quality also makes a big difference in that before and after (2015 and 2019 for reference). The out of costume photos are from 2014 and 2020. There’s about a 15 lbs net increase in scale weight but my body composition is better too.

    I’ll also say that while I absolutely get wanting to nail a certain look I would not let that be a barrier to getting started. In the first Cap picture I can see the lack of confidence on my face and remember how unworthy I felt to be dressed as Cap. However, most people we talked with, and especially kids at the con, didn’t notice and didn’t care. They didn’t see the flaws I perceived or my insecurities, they saw the character and that connection is truly something special (at least it has been in my experience).

  • NocteLibri
    NocteLibri Posts: 25 Member
    @Lorelei19 You're welcome! I HATE snob jobs...worked in a cube farm (offices) for 25 years and it SUCKED. Now I'm caregiving for a fan friend I've known even longer and he wouldn't care what my hair color or dress is as long as it makes me happy, bless his big heart!

    I'd love to squee about my book series to you in more detail. I couldn't find a way to friend you, so if it's okay, you can friend me and I'll try to figure it out in the meantime.

    I have a cosplay based on one of the main female characters that I'll be taking photos of later today when my FanBrat adopted daughter comes over. We are trying out some brand new sclera full-on black contact lenses and getting most of the costume ready for a convention Turkey Day weekend. The costume is for a character named Lunara, but she is also a mirror image of her ancestress Whocate, the Goddess of Death & Rebirth. My husband is doing one of her consorts and we have his costume all done, thought I do want to get him golden-eyed contact lenses in the future from the same company I bought the scleras, if they work out, that is =)

    Catcha later and I hope to get those pics up soon XD
  • NocteLibri
    NocteLibri Posts: 25 Member
    @steveko89 your before and after pics are AMAZING and you look simply FANTASTIC as The Cap! It really helps us lose weight when we have a tangible, meaningful goal to shoot for beyond getting healthier. I hope one day to see you at a convention if you ever get out to the Southern California area.

    Take care =D
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Thanks, it’s been a really fun and frankly a fulfilling experience. Growing up I was never happy with my doughy nerd physique so getting to a point as an adult where I actually feel strong and come close to looking the part has been beneficial in a myriad of ways.

    The suit quality also makes a big difference in that before and after (2015 and 2019 for reference). The out of costume photos are from 2014 and 2020. There’s about a 15 lbs net increase in scale weight but my body composition is better too.

    I’ll also say that while I absolutely get wanting to nail a certain look I would not let that be a barrier to getting started. In the first Cap picture I can see the lack of confidence on my face and remember how unworthy I felt to be dressed as Cap. However, most people we talked with, and especially kids at the con, didn’t notice and didn’t care. They didn’t see the flaws I perceived or my insecurities, they saw the character and that connection is truly something special (at least it has been in my experience).

  • Lorelei19
    Lorelei19 Posts: 107 Member
    @steveko89 I wish I had the same mindset as you. I would love to not let things stop me, but unfortunately I do. It's just who I am.

    Also.. you look absolutely fabulous in both your before and after pictures. You're definately the proof and inspiration I could use. lol

    @Noctelibri I adore my job... but the I work for the Federal Government and they tend to be a bit more stingy about appearances. Who knew? lol

    It's absolutely okay to be friends, but I'm in the sam boat as you. I can't seem to figure out how to friend people. O_O Guess I'll spend the evening trying to figure that one out. Ha ha!

    Can't wait to see your pics!
  • VoxxSolaris
    VoxxSolaris Posts: 4 Member
    Lorelei19 wrote: »
    Anyone still around?

    Just started using this app today! Was hoping to find fellow nerds/gamers I could share the journey with. Currently playing FFXIV and SWTOR but am in Star Wars, Fallout, Mass Effect and Dragon Age fandoms with a lot of other loves mixed in. Hit me up if you like.
  • Lorelei19
    Lorelei19 Posts: 107 Member
    @VoxxSolaris Welcome! I used to play the hell out of some SWTOR, but I kinda phased away from it awhile ago. I'm not sure why. It's a good game. My current love is Sea of Thieves, CoD Mobile, and New World. And Stardew valley... which is a strange game to be fond of, but I play with a co-worker (at his insistence) and it's oddly amusing. lol
  • NocteLibri
    NocteLibri Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah, I hear you about stuffy corporate settings. My sympathies.

    Thanks for the friending. When I get a chance, I'll send you the link to my story website.

    Here's the pics:


    Lorelei19 wrote: »
    @Noctelibri I adore my job... but the I work for the Federal Government and they tend to be a bit more stingy about appearances. Who knew? lol

    It's absolutely okay to be friends, but I'm in the sam boat as you. I can't seem to figure out how to friend people. O_O Guess I'll spend the evening trying to figure that one out. Ha ha!

    Can't wait to see your pics!

  • VoxxSolaris
    VoxxSolaris Posts: 4 Member
    Lorelei19 wrote: »
    @VoxxSolaris Welcome! I used to play the hell out of some SWTOR, but I kinda phased away from it awhile ago. I'm not sure why. It's a good game. My current love is Sea of Thieves, CoD Mobile, and New World. And Stardew valley... which is a strange game to be fond of, but I play with a co-worker (at his insistence) and it's oddly amusing. lol

    New SWTOR expansion is coming out on Dec 14, would be a great time to get back into it. I tried New World but didn't enjoy it at all. Was buggy as hell for me. Trying to work out how to add you as a friend. It's not very user friendly lol
  • Lorelei19
    Lorelei19 Posts: 107 Member
    @NocteLibri OMG I absolutely adore everything about that outfit. That's beautifully amazing! I especially love that headpiece. Did you have that special made?

    @VoxxSolaris Ooh, I might have to consider getting back into it. It's been so long, I'd probably have to start a fresh character. lol

    So adding friends, I've found, is more complicated than it should be, but it's not too bad. You can't just click on someone's name and go to their profile. You have to click on "Find Members" at the top of the screen and search for them that way. It's weird.
  • NocteLibri
    NocteLibri Posts: 25 Member
    Lorelei19 wrote: »
    Anyone still around?

    I'm back, hon. It's been a CRAZY year, but I am redoubling my weight loss and fitness goals, so here I am again, lol.
  • NocteLibri
    NocteLibri Posts: 25 Member
    I know Wolverine has been around for a long time but that's a goal of mine. I'm def not tall enough for Thor.

    So which cosplays do you do right now?
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    NocteLibri wrote: »
    Lorelei19 wrote: »
    Anyone still around?

    I'm back, hon. It's been a CRAZY year, but I am redoubling my weight loss and fitness goals, so here I am again, lol.

    I’m still here, never left.
  • NocteLibri
    NocteLibri Posts: 25 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    NocteLibri wrote: »
    Lorelei19 wrote: »
    Anyone still around?

    I'm back, hon. It's been a CRAZY year, but I am redoubling my weight loss and fitness goals, so here I am again, lol.

    I’m still here, never left.

    Awesome, Steve. So how's your weight journey going? What do you like in the realm of science fiction these days? We can't wait for Star Wars: Ahsoka right EXCITED! XD
  • cliffyisgonnaloseit
    cliffyisgonnaloseit Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a huge Survivor nerd and losing the weight means I might actually get to play Survivor one day!
  • NocteLibri
    NocteLibri Posts: 25 Member
    I'm a huge Survivor nerd and losing the weight means I might actually get to play Survivor one day!

    Good for you to have an incentive to lose the weight, but remember to also do it for yourself as well :)
  • PlatinumAngel94
    PlatinumAngel94 Posts: 5 Member
    Ohmigod. Not gonna lie, part of this is so I can do some really good cosplays.

    I've had my eye on doing Ciri from The Witcher, Rey from Star Wars, Ahsoka Tano post Clone Wars, Wonder Woman, maybe BatWoman or Poison Ivy.. There's so many I've wanted to do but never have. First step cutting, next step bulking. B)