Need Breakfast Ideas!!!

konswela Posts: 137 Member
What does everyone breakfast consist of: I have been on egg whites and 1 french toast with fat free syrup for a solid week. I am now tired of that. So today I started bagels (1/2 Thomas Hearty Grains 100% whole wheat)and cream cheese(cinnamon and raisin cream cheese that I made with fat free cream cheese,cinnamon, raisins and splenda) and fruit So delicious, but I want to start changing it up! Let me know your breakfast ideas. Oh yea and I absolutely hate


  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    I don't have time to make eggs, I need something quick, and I got sick of oatmeal after about 3 days... :)

    I eat Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal and low fat milk. It has 8 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber in a 1 cup serving (not even counting the milk) and I actually stay full for hours after. I buy it at Kroger, Costco has it, so it is probably everywhere. There is just a little bit of honey in the cereal so it tastes sweet, but I usually add blueberries too.
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    I LOVE 2 x Multi Grain Ryvita with Peanut Butter and Banana keeps me filled until lunchtime!
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    multi grain waffle and peanut butter
    almond milk and carnation instant breakfast packet
    plain greek yogurt with fresh berries and a squirt of mio
    egg beaters with laughing cow cheese on a high fiber english muffin
    non sugar loaded cereal with almond milk
    bagel thin with peanut butter or cream cheese and a banana
    sliced strawberries with sliced bananas, lemon juice and a spoonful of fat free cool whip
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Thomas English muffin (100 cal), topped with scrambled egg, fresh spinach, slice of tomato, a couple slices deli ham and sprinkle with hot sauce...stick it in the toaster oven or's filling and tasty and about 220 cal
  • i've never been a breakfast person. don't really like any of it...cereal, toast, jam, eggs, oatmeal. so typically, i have a very small bowl of whatever leftovers are around. and if there are no leftovers, i pull out the old magic bullet and whip up my breakfast shake:

    1 banana
    1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
    2 tsp ground flax
    1 tbsp wheat grass powder
    top up with water & blend!

    its an acquired taste, but holds me until lunch & gives me lots of energy. :)
  • my daily breakfast is:

    1 Thomas light multi grain english muffin (the one with 1/3 of your daily fiber), toasted; on it I spread 2 of the Laughing cow light swiss cheese wedges and top it with 2 slices of canadian bacon...everything is super low in fat and sugar, high in protein, and keeps you satiated for most of the morning. And it's really yummy :)

    edited to say: it's less than 200 cal...I think it comes out to around 175ish calories, 3g of fat and lots of fiber and protein
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    I need ideas too
    This sounds delicious
    Thomas English muffin (100 cal), topped with scrambled egg, fresh spinach, slice of tomato, a couple slices deli ham and sprinkle with hot sauce...stick it in the toaster oven or's filling and tasty and about 220 cal
  • breakfast shake.... add water, one scoop whey protein, half a cup oatmeal, dash of cinnamon, and a table spoon of all natural no sodium almond butter OR a table spoon of all natural peanut butter in a BLENDER and puree. Guys use two scoops of protein and two table spoons of the peanut butter OR almond butter. If you really want to feel like you're cheating use non flavored unsweetened almond milk. You'll think you're eating a chocolate shake. You won't even taste the oatmeal
  • I like eating mini wheats cereal, now that not may be the greatest but if you only eat the suggested amount then its not too bad. I only ever put 1/2 cup of 1% milk in it too and let the mini wheats soak the milk up. The other I like to eat is cottage cheese 2% with chucks of pineapple in it. You get the protein from the cheese and pineapple helps speed up digestion!! I'm sure you could eat 1% cottage cheese but I don't like it as much as 2% for some reason. I also like to eat yogurt any kind with cut up banana just 1/2 banana or grapes or frozen berry mix. Hope that helps!!!
  • You can cook eggs (or egg whites) in the microwave in a coffee mug-super quick, tastes great!
    whole wheat english muffin-toasted
    laughing cow creamy swiss light
    turkey sausage (also cooked in the microwave)
    homemade egg mcmuffin for less then 300 calories and under 5 minutes!

    Also, quite often on Sunday afternoon I will cook a whole package of the Jimmy Dean Skillet meals, with egg whites-not whole eggs (just my preferrence) and stick it in the fridge, The package says it makes 4 servings, and with the egg whites one whole serving is only about 200 calories, but I usually have about half a serving with a piece of whole wheat toast or low cal tortilla. Just pop however much you want in the microwave, for my 1/2 serving it only takes about 30ish seconds to warm up, The longest part is waiting for the toast!
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    ive been making myself smoothies with added protein powder for breakfest its quick and easy and filling.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    This morning I had 2 whole grain waffles (from Eggo) with 2 T apple butter. It feels indulgent, but only comes in at 200 calories.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I love breakfast. I reviewed some fast food breakfast on my blog out of boredom the other day. lol I don't eat fast food breakfast every day, but I do have it now and again.

    Since you hate oatmeal, I won't go there. :smile:

    I can't stand yogurt, but lots of folks love to have yogurt for breakfast, especially greek yogurt.

    You could have fruit.

    The Laughing cow spreadable cheeses are pretty good on a bagel also. English muffins, wheat toast are options. I love to make wheat toast sandwiches with egg and cheese on them. Nomnomnom

    If you like waffles you can probably find some freezer waffle options that are decent choices. Eggo has been advertising a whole grain waffle that I've been meaning to look into.

    Less nutritiously sound, but I still occasionally make pancakes.

    And breakfast doesn't HAVE to be breakfasty. I've been known to eat a chicken breast with a green veggie (green beans, asparagus, etc.) in the morning as well as a fish fillet or a nice turkey sandwich. Yum!

    Granola is a bomb option also and you can add stuff to it as you like. On days I'm in a rush, I usually have a granola bar and plan an early lunch. I also have some Enjoy Life bars that I'll eat sometimes, but they're not as good as a granola bar.

    Sometimes when I travel I make muffins. I like the Martha White mixes and get the honey bran. Then I just load the muffins into my travel fridge and I have breakfast for the week.

    I used to make omelets and frittatas all the time until I started watching my cholesterol.
  • bmccrory2
    bmccrory2 Posts: 84 Member
  • Just to throw in something a little off beat - Instant noodles. I know it sounds incredibly weird, but in Japan they eat noodles for breakfast and while I was over there I rather got to like it. It's warm, it's filling, it's incredibly quick to make and because it is high in carbs, it keeps you going for a long time. It might not seem like the healthiest choice, but when you look at it objectively, breakfast should be one of the highest energy meals, and with this you'll not be tempted to snack before lunch. Good luck! Oh, and smoothies are great - mango and banana with a cup of O.J. and a spoonful of honey - particularly tasty if you chop and freeze your fruit the night before then whiz it up. Both Mango and banana are high energy, fuel foods that keep you full for longer.
  • Eggs are great, bec they have loads of protein, this is what i have every morning, however, a protein shake would be good as well, at least it would be different so you could change it up. Fruit is always good option if you dont have time and if you are doing a cardio workout. but you really should start with protein, maybe even some leftover from dinner! i would stay away from cereals.
  • totally agree!
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    Its funny that I ran across your post this morning. I was kinda dreading breakfeast, because it's usually the same old, same old. Anyway, while perusing the fridge, saw some Ragu pizza sauce and it gave me an idea. So guess what? a personal pizza made with whole wheat pita bread, fat free shredded cheese, and turkey pepperoni. And it was yummy!
  • konswela
    konswela Posts: 137 Member
    You guys/gals ROCK!!!! I am totally taking your ideas.. another trip to the grocery store!!!!!! yayyy!!!
  • bump