How to stay on track on the weekends

Hi everyone,

I just joined MFP yesterday and I'm loving this site! I tend to go waaay off track with my eating habits on the weekends, which I'd assume is pretty common for most people. A lot of it has to do with being at home, being bored, going out for dinner/drinks, etc. Does anyone have any tips or ways they don't ruin their entire week of healthy eating on the weekends?


  • easfahl
    easfahl Posts: 567 Member
    Well welcome! The weekends are good times to get out and move your booty. Go hiking, ride your bike, walk your dog, work in your yard, or even clean your house. All of these burn good calories. If you exercise more on the days you think you might go over on your food intake your daily net will be closer to your target.

    Happy weekend!
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I weigh myself every Sunday morning....that is enough to keep me on track! lol
    Good luck to you :)
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I noticed that when I first started I made alot of bad choices on the weekends, but the longer I am living in my lifestyle change, the less this happens. So, give it time. Stay strong during the week, and eventually the weekends follow. But, to counteract some of these bad habits now, work out a bit longer, keep healthier foods in the house, and try to find something to keep you busy. :)
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    I do a weekend weigh in too - but I also restrict my treats on weekdays, knowing I'll appreciate them all the more at the weekend.
    Alcohol is a big shocker when you add up the calories for a night out, you might find yourself on the Vodka + diet coke or light beers
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    I weigh myself every Sunday morning....that is enough to keep me on track! lol
    Good luck to you :)

    That's an EXCELLENT idea!
  • Psbridges
    I tend to exercise more on the weekends. I've been on this diet a while and the weekends are getting easier. When I do eat out , i only eat half my portion and have the rest the next day and I'm very careful with the drinks
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I am the same way! I do so well during the week and not so well on the weekends! This summer has especially been hard because we go out on our boat every weekend on the lake, and it really hard to eat salad, fruit and chicken on a wakeboarding boat! and it is REALLY hard not to drink on the lake :sad: But what I found is that if I prepare all my food ahead of time and pre-measure it and seal it up in baggies and put it in the ice chest, it helps!
    My husbands favorite thing to do when he is not on the boat is eat out! :sad:
    It is hard but I just take one day at a time and make smart choices sometimes and not so smart sometimes....and if I dont make smart choices I work my *kitten* off the next day! :bigsmile:

    Good Luck!!
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    It's all about balance and choices and it's difficult for EVERYONE. If you want to drink one night, make sure you get a really good workout in that day or the next morning to sweat it out then be active the rest of the day. If you want to cheat a little, do it. But make up for it in your food choices the rest of the day or in your workouts. Life is balance, just because you're becoming healthy doesn't mean your life as you know it ends, just your mindset. I'm one to talk, I know what I SHOULD do, but it's hard to implement sometimes. And most importantly, remember that there's always tomorrow and its not the end of the world if you screw up royally on your diet and feel like a failure- it's more reason to try again the next day! a positive outlook can go a long way! good luck to you and welcome!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    For the past 2 months I have participated in a challenge started by a fellow MFP member. That has helped me!

    I still tend to want the bad stuff on weekends too... I do much better at work than I do at home. So - as another member posted - make sure you workout! Go for the light beer. Have 'naked' chicken at Buffalo Wild Wings instead of the BBQ with the extra sauce and ask them to prepare it with pepper only - no salt.

    You can still have fun and socialize while making healthier choices!
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    Definitely get out and move on the weekends! Try to workout, go for walks, take the stairs instead of elevator... do anything you can to be active to compensate for the extra calories you are sure to have. If you go out for drinks, make sure it's some place where you can dance to burn them off! Also, you can eat out. Just take half to go and have it for lunch the next day. Skip the creamy sauces and salad dressings and don't eat anything they give you for free(ie bread sticks, chips and salsa). You can eat out and still make healthy choices! Good luck!
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 699 Member
    My weekend workout is off the chain, I go military style, then I save almost all of my calories for dinner, because I know my husband will want to eat out and relax.
  • luvmy3jewels
    luvmy3jewels Posts: 10 Member
    I have also found it much harder to stick with healthier eating on the weekends! One thing that really works for me is pre-planning my meals and snacks. I usually try to eat a good breakfast that will stick with me (an omelet or doctored oatmeal), and either a light lunch or an afternoon snack (fruit or veggies) because our dinners tend to be a little heavier and we like to have a glass of wine or two with them. If you know that you are going to be eating more calories in the evening, then reduce what you usually eat in the morning/afternoon to help offset that. Just don't try to let your body get so hungry you are tempted to overeat on junk food.
  • jackiemonx
    jackiemonx Posts: 343 Member
    weekends are the worst for me as well! ive got chinese tonight, dinner and drinks tomorrow night. my grans birthday (plus cake) tomorrow, and this is a quiet weekend for the alcohol for me! saturdays always let me down for the whole week :(
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I noticed that when I first started I made alot of bad choices on the weekends, but the longer I am living in my lifestyle change, the less this happens. So, give it time. Stay strong during the week, and eventually the weekends follow. But, to counteract some of these bad habits now, work out a bit longer, keep healthier foods in the house, and try to find something to keep you busy. :)

    ^ this is true for me too. Weekends were a challenge and still can be sometimes. I make sure I log everything no matter how ugly my diary starts to look. Over 1000 calories...holy *kitten*!!!! After you've been on here awhile you start making better choices and practicing portion control much better on weekends!! I also try to make sure that I get a couple of big calorie burn work outs in on the weekends too!!

    Welcome and best wishes!!!