To cheat, or not to cheat?

How does everybody feel about cheat meals? Or just treating yourself occasionally to something you love (even if it's unhealthy).


  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    I feel that if you don't "cheat" every now and then you will drive yourself crazy...Just don't go overboard but I think it's perfectly OK to occasionally treat yourself...
  • vickyplum
    vickyplum Posts: 192 Member

    Its not cheating if you count it in!!
    I have a day off every week I find that if I do that I dont get
    bored or feel like I am working

    I still go out for meals with my family and friends but I work to cover it!!

    hope this helps
    Vicky x
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Cheat days are necessary for me. As long as you keep in mind somewhat healthy eating habits when you do it, you'll be ok.
    You shouldn't deprive yourself alll the time :)
  • shrekk218
    How does everybody feel about cheat meals? Or just treating yourself occasionally to something you love (even if it's unhealthy).

    CHEAT it will help you keep your sanity.
  • chewpop
    I have one meal a week I I eat and don't me something to look forward to!
  • tinkerbella01
    I think you have to allow yourself cheat foods once and a while, completely restricting thesefoods will make you crave them more. At least that's what happens to me. So, if I have a cheat food/meal once and a while, I dont feel as restricted.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i dont cheat anymore.

    i dont cheat on my workout or cardio, so i dont want to cheat on my diet anymore either because the way i eat and workout all go together.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    you have to.... well i think so anyway.

    We get cravings once in a while but if we resist it all the while, they'll be a day when you gonna crack and binge.

    We have to realistic in this effort here.
  • kassied09
    I am both for and against it. While other times cheating has led me to stray for days and then weeks, sometimes I think you need to let yourself eat what you want. By doing so every once in a while I think that you can hold off eating crappy until next week and the food you do eat is like a treat. I hope that helps! I recently ate 1/2 a pizza after dieting and exercising for a little over a week and I was amazed that it was so painful to finish it. Usually that amount of pizza is easy to put down. It did taste delicious and it motivated me to do well for the next week...until my next treat!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Once a week I allow frozen yogurt or a treat out to eat. Every night, I have something small. :)
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    there is nothing wrong with splurging every now and then. so long as you dont make a habit of it. whenever i eat something i shouldnt, i still make a smarter choice. if i go to a restaurant, i choose a healthier alternative or i only eat half and take half home. if i want a sugary treat, i eat a smaller portion. then the next day i am sure to eat even better and try my best to get some exercise in.

    during my past weight loss attempts, i found that when i restricted my diet completely, i wanted "bad" things more and fell off the wagon very easily.

    good luck! :)
  • smithskiman06
    smithskiman06 Posts: 29 Member
    The most important part of weight loss is creating a calorie deficit. Now don't get me wrong. You SHOULD eat as many healthy meals and whole natural foods as you can.

    BUT in our modern world this is difficult as there are so many tasty things to eat!

    I say eat mostly healthy meals but as long as you stay under your caloric requirement go ahead and treat yourself to something a bit unhealthy every once in awhile.

    This way you will continue to loose weight and it won't feel like such a drag.
  • babersbh
    I have one cheat day a week..usually on the weekend...where I can eat whatever I want (just smaller portions than I used to of it). This way I don't feel like I am missing out and go into "binge" mode.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I do it every now and then and yesterday was the day!!! But I went over board and now feel really heavy and regretful. So yes, have a day, but don't over do it!!
  • genxrider
    genxrider Posts: 107 Member
    Just log everything. I enjoy ice cream, sweet potato pancakes, etc. No one can eat tuna salad every day for the rest of their lives.
  • Valechka
    I usually Sat or Friday as my Free day but still count everything... force of habit I guess
  • lisacandoit1965
    You really do need to cheat once in a while. It helps you stay motivated and have something to look forward to, as long as itdoesnt become a habit (every day) you will be fine
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    I have one meal a week I I eat and don't me something to look forward to!

    i still like to track my cheat meals. i like to see what that food actually did to my calories and such. makes me want to make a smarter choice the next time.
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I am all for a cheat meal/snack. Every two weeks I allow myself to have something that I normally don't eat. It can be a piece of cake, fried from Five Guys, a bag of potato chips, a piece of chocolate, etc. This has worked for me. I think everyone has to figure out what works for them. I know some ppl are totally against cheat meals/days, but I love them. I still work out, I still log it, and I have yet to go over my calorie count with a cheat meal. I am better now at preparing meals throughout the day. Before I started allowing myself cheat meals, I found myself having binge days because of how restrictive I was being. Now, every 2 weeks I treat myself to a naughty meal or snack.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    I think just allowing yourself to cheat makes you not want to cheat, if that makes sense. Just knowing that I can if I want to gives me that little sense of control that makes it easier to try and eat right. Not that I am all that good at eating right, but I'm learning that eating right doesn't mean having to give something up forever...knowing that makes it somehow easier.

    So cheat? An unequivocal....YES