September Challenge: Foxy for Fall (closed - sorry!)



  • ski3r4life
    Daily Challenge Day 15: Stretch! An undervalued part of living healthy!
  • Katefab26
    Hey everyone!! I weighed myself this morning and am down to 221.4!! Woot! Guess I've lost about 8 pounds since I started. My big problem I guess is that now I've started this health journey I just want the weight to fall off and let my inner skinny girl out!!! I guess 8 pounds in about a month is a good start, but I'm going to kick it up a couple notches so I can get 8 more pounds off by the end of September!

    Goals for this week:

    1) Make that new recipe!! It's gotta involve chicken, green beans and goat cheese, because that's about all I have in the house!
    2) Incorporate more strength training into my workouts -- I'm becoming a bit of a cardio junkie.
    3) Start putting together the outfit I'm going to buy when I get under 200!!
    4) Financial: get a working budget going now that I'm paying more in rent (not exciting, but necessary).

    @chedeco -- I totally understand how you feel!! The way I get my water in is by filling up two of the 32 oz. Nalgene bottles and making myself finish both. I don't let myself drink anything else (ok, except coffee lol) until I'm done with those. Maybe that will help? Also, did you say you were from MA? I'm from NH, so hey fellow New Englander!!!

    <3 you all!! Hope you are all having days as lovely as yourselves!!!

    Congrats on the weight loss that is fabulous! How has your week been going? Your goals? It's motivating to be near weight barriers. I'm stoked to get back into the 140's by golly being overweight is not fun.

    Exactly!! This past week has been interesting to say the least! I haven't had a chance yet to weigh myself, but I've been doing pretty well with eating the right foods and getting my exercise in, so hopefully I'll be seeing good things tonight!
  • ski3r4life
    Week 2 Weigh-In: 151.4 pounds (3.6 pounds lost!)

    Goals for the week:
    100 ounces of water/day (I work out a lot - I need more than 64 oz!)
    1200 net calories per day
    No diet soda
    Run 20 miles
    Go to gym 3 times
  • Sounds like you have good goals! Mine are the same as every week :)
  • ski3r4life
    Day 16 challenge: Think about an upcoming situation that could derail your weight loss efforts. What's your plan?
  • ski3r4life
    Day 17 Challenge: What's your long-term fitness goal? I'm dreaming of running a marathon next summer!
  • ski3r4life
    Day 19 Challenge: What's the thing that throws your focus off the most?
  • ski3r4life
    Daily Challenge Day 21: List ten things that are great about you :)
  • ski3r4life
    Daily Challenge Day 22: Focus on portions! Don't go overboard!
  • Katefab26
    Hey All! What do you think about going primal (as far as eating, not living in a cave and killing my food haha)? Just wondering if any of ya'll had any ideas!!