Carnivore diet

I’ve just started the Carnivore diet and wondered if anyone else is on it and how they are finding it


  • Carni8991
    Carni8991 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been carnivore for a year after being keto and very low carb since 2015. I got off antidepressants, got rid of vertigo, have MUCH more energy and lost that pesky last 15 pounds. I'm a 59 year old woman. Dark circles, gone. Cellulite almost gone LOL. My husband and I always stick to the same way of eating. We both have never felt better. No cravings or low blood sugar and no carb fog. Ever! Love it. Can't recommend it enough.
  • escivicquejr
    escivicquejr Posts: 4 Member
    Dragging this up from the depths but wanted to know how you are doing? Been sticking to it? I am also doing carnivore, love it so far!
  • cncolligan
    cncolligan Posts: 15 Member
    I just found this thread and also wonder if you tried it? I've been on it about a month, not super strict but 95% there. I drink coffee and will have a hard time giving that up. I discovered egg yolk coffee w browned butter this am, and it's AMAZING. I feel great actually, don't miss sugar as much as I thought and am slowly losing some of the weight I have had a hard time losing lately. I weight train 3x week w a trainer and she kicks our butts lol. I think I'll keep it going for now, since I haven't had any difficulty and it seems to be working so far :)