30ds kicked my booty!!!

OMG... so I feel so lame right now, I have thought I was in decent shape as far as being able to handle exercise. I know I am here obviously I need to lose weight, but I never thought I was so out of shape that a workout would have me begging for mercy. Today I started the 30 day shred... and I am almost positive that labor was easier lol... But I completed the whole thing and am going to do it again tomorrow and the next day and the next alll the way till 30 days is up... I just coult not believe that it litterally had me drenched in sweat and (almost tears jk)


  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    you may have me scared...my plan is to start it on Monday
  • wyndesnow
    wyndesnow Posts: 25 Member
    Me too! It's tough but worth it! I'm doing a rotation of Jillian's DVDs and they are all killer but I think the end result is going ot be well worth it!
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    I found it tough to start, had to take a break after day 2 I could barley walk!
  • Keep it up!! First few days are awful. I had to pause it for a lie down on the floor and cry. But then it gets really good! I actually love Jillian. I'm on day 16 (I've not managed every day but I'm doing 30 workouts)
  • Jessicab4e
    Jessicab4e Posts: 26 Member
    I started it in July, then got side tracketed with life. I'm going to start it again on Monday to. It is so hard but it feels so good! Good luck to you.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    It is tough. I see so many people doing it that I wanted to join in on it.... but it kicked my butt too and I couldn't make it through the first day. I'm keeping it and I threaten to do it every now and again but I know I am really out of shape! Really. Really. Really out of shape... and that was too much for me.

    I will beat it. Just need to be a little more healthy before I can take it on again!
  • do not be scared. It was intense do not get me wrong but I am glad I did it... I just could not believe 20 minutes could feel like that. You will do awesome, stick to your plan start monday!!!
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    I know how you feel. My quad cramped, seriously my quad. That was so dang painful! I promise, it gets easier. Then it gets hard again. I cant tell you how many curse words came out of my mouth and how many names I called Jillian and her little friends.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    it is tough because she really does a great job stretching you out, giving you cardio, strength, and abs. its an excellent workout, and kicked my *kitten* too!!

    don't let it make you afraid, because you can also take a quick 10 second break for some water and do a modified version of the exercise. listen, even i do the girl-push ups halfway through.
  • tmacs
    tmacs Posts: 60
    OMG...a group of us are starting on Monday! Now I'm really scared!!! Add me if you want support :).
  • ooooooh thank goodness I am not the only one that FELT it their first time. I still can not believe it, but yes it hurts so good!!!
  • The first couple days are definitely the hardest, and you'll probably be sore too. But stick with it! Your end results are sooo worth it! You'll do great. :)
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    I am on day 23 today. It is tough but it is well worth the results.
  • it is tough because she really does a great job stretching you out, giving you cardio, strength, and abs. its an excellent workout, and kicked my *kitten* too!!

    don't let it make you afraid, because you can also take a quick 10 second break for some water and do a modified version of the exercise. listen, even i do the girl-push ups halfway through.

    That makes youe a REAL man.... girl push ups are for those who want to get better... trying real push ups with the wrong form gets you no where. :) glad to see some men doing the 30 day shred... where I am from most men refuse to watch a workout video and actually do the exercise they think its too girly and wont work them out... i dare them to try jillian :)
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    I just finished day 10 of Level 1, on to Level 2 tonight. I'm 220 lbs, and I managed to do it for all 10 days straight. I know it's hard, and those first few days.. it's even hard to stand up, but if you push yourself through and don't take breaks, you'll see you quickly recover and it'll be SO worth it! I can't believe how much stronger I am after just 10 days, I can't wait to finish the rest and see what it does for me. I lost 3.4 lbs in the 1st 10 days... I'm waiting on my inches until the end. Good luck to you and if you need support feel free to add me! :)
  • I just finished day 10 of Level 1, on to Level 2 tonight. I'm 220 lbs, and I managed to do it for all 10 days straight. I know it's hard, and those first few days.. it's even hard to stand up, but if you push yourself through and don't take breaks, you'll see you quickly recover and it'll be SO worth it! I can't believe how much stronger I am after just 10 days, I can't wait to finish the rest and see what it does for me. I lost 3.4 lbs in the 1st 10 days... I'm waiting on my inches until the end. Good luck to you and if you need support feel free to add me! :)

    Thank you so much, you give me hope :) I am scared to see what level two and three are like. I should buy a measuring tape and find out my inches.... anyone that is doing the 30 day shred are you following your normal diet and calorie restriction or are you using jillians diet?
  • I'm not following her diet I'm just eating my normal stuff and logging and trying to get plenty of different sorts of protein in because I'm a veggie.
  • ME Too!!! it's a very tough one.. i was yelling 'make it stop' my first night.. ha.. i had to take a day break, as i could barely walk the next day.. back at it now, anxious for it to get easier ;)
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I'm on level 2- day 4 (tonight is my night off, every Friday actually) and I had a few tears in my eyes the first time I did the second level. Now I do it, I push through, I get it done and I feel amazing afterwards. But it does get easier, you get more confident and you feel the results. Keep at it!

    I follow nobodies diet but my own....I figure that this is real life and I'm going to eat normal food. All things in moderation :)
  • I tried it about 2 weeks ago and after the first night I haven't popped it back in LOL I plan on starting again after the weekend (I have a very eventful weekend ahead) and yes it kicked my butt however I felt great after completing the 20 minutes, never thought I could get such an intense workout in 20 minutes.. The only reason I have been side tracked is because I have been working many hours and am exhausted which has caused me to not even have a thought about it.. but am def starting it for sure on Monday! Good luck and stick to it.... also when you feel sore take a nice hot bath it can help sooth sore muscles.. I usually pop in to the sauna at my gym and it makes me feel so much better! :)