Trying to get Gestational Diabetes under control.

Hello all. My name is Jodi. I am not new to my fitness pal, but I am back again because I was recently diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Having not put on much weight this pregnancy (about 3 lbs in 7 months) it was a complete shock when I got this diagnosis because I have been trying to do everything right diet wise to avoid this outcome. I am posting here in hopes of finding others who might be using this site to help manage their Gestational Diabetes and would like to be friends. We can maybe share tips or tricks we might learn along the way. Please send me a friend request if you fell we could help each other. Thank you in advance.


  • amberisthecolorfyourenergy
    Gestational Diabetes doesnt happen because you gain a lot of weight during pregnancy. It's just one of those things unfortunately. I had it too. I wish you the best :)