Biggest Loser style challenge

I'm the kind of person who loves a challenge. The feeling of being the best beats out most other feelings. I think that I'd lose weight better if I'm competing with other people. I'm thinking about starting a "Biggest Loser" type challenge. I'm flying by the seat of my pants here so bare with me. Here's what I'm thinking;

Limit the competition to about 12 or 14 people. Split evenly male/female. I'm thinking of having men vs men and women vs women. We have a mutual weigh in day every week. Weights are posted on the group page (not sure if that's possible on MFP or if it'd be easier to do on Facebook). I'll convert the weight loss to percentage loss and each week the male and female with the lowest percentage will be out. The last two of men and last two women will have the winner of each group determined by total percentage lost for the whole competition.

Another option is make two teams, men vs women. Calculate it all as a team. Lowest team loses their lowest percentage member for that week. Then the final 4 will be individuals.

Anyone interested? Lemme know what you think or any suggestions. If I can get at least 6 men and 6 women I will set it up. If There aren't enough of one or the other we will do it as individuals with a minimum of 10 people.



  • Hi Tom,

    i LOVE the sound of this! im quite competitive so sounds like a brill idea... and the fact you"re in a team will also make you work harder! sign me up :)

    chloe :)
  • tomdudely
    tomdudely Posts: 25 Member
    So far I have 4 ladies and just me as far as the guys. Maybe just me vs the ladies? lol. Come on guys! Show some interest. I'd love to get this started in the next day or two
  • I'm interested!!!!

  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    im interested, friend me and let me know if there is still a spot. sounds like a great idea.
  • tomdudely
    tomdudely Posts: 25 Member
    Up top 6 ladies. Still just me on the guy's side. I think that we'll take 5 more of either sex then we will decide to split it into teams or go individual once i get it set up
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm interested.
    MFP doesn't have groups (yet) so FB may be the best bet.

    You can try to get more guys by reposting opening for men in the morning. There's more activity here around 6-9a PST.
  • tomdudely
    tomdudely Posts: 25 Member
    I'm interested.
    MFP doesn't have groups (yet) so FB may be the best bet.

    You can try to get more guys by reposting opening for men in the morning. There's more activity here around 6-9a PST.

    I'll try to do that. Kinda early for me, but i'll attempt to be up that early. I was thinking FB too. Just comes down to who's willing to do it there.

    PS: Love your ticker picture
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Not sure if you have me listed from your other thread but I still want to join
  • tomdudely
    tomdudely Posts: 25 Member
    Not sure if you have me listed from your other thread but I still want to join

  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member

    PS: Love your ticker picture

    Go River Cats & Ports too!
  • tomdudely
    tomdudely Posts: 25 Member
    Last call for Guys. I have 8 Ladies for the challenge. If I don't have any guys in the next couple of hours I'm opening it up for the last few spots.
  • tomdudely
    tomdudely Posts: 25 Member
  • tomdudely
    tomdudely Posts: 25 Member
    Alright, I'm opening it back up to the ladies. I think that 3 more spots are available. Maybe a couple more might open but we're going with 3 for now.

    This will be a FB group. I've already created it. If you're participating in the challenge I'll add you as a friend on MFP and give you the link to the FB group.
  • I would like to join in there are still spots.
  • tomdudely
    tomdudely Posts: 25 Member
    I would like to join in there are still spots.

    Added you. Got 2 more spots.
  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    Cannot believe there are no guys jumping on this. If there is a spot I am game.
  • tomdudely
    tomdudely Posts: 25 Member
    Cannot believe there are no guys jumping on this. If there is a spot I am game.

    I agree about the guys. Count yourself it. two more please! I have a total of 10 people right now. Would ideally like to have 12.
  • Are there still places on this?
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I'd love to join, but I'm so close to goal that I'll be knocked out probably 1st lol
  • I will join if there is still a spot.