Hi all I just calculated that at my goal of 140lbs my TDEE will be just over 1500 cals ๐Ÿ˜”
Which is pretty low for me - I think I'll be hungry!
I'm not sedentary- I walk 4/5 days a week around 15,000 steps ( 6 miles) and I use an outdoor bike in warmer weather often 20+ miles.
My stats at the moment are - Female 46,
5 foot 7
178 lbs
I started at 232 lbs.
I'm starting to wonder if I've set my goal too low - it puts me at BMI 21.
I recently re evaluated my goal to a lower weight.
Anyway- the reason I'm on the exercise forum is because I'd love to know what type of exercise I need at goal to enable me to eat more calories.
Thanks in advance โ˜บ


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    1500 is definitely low for someone that tall and that active - were you looking at the right line of the chart? Which TDEE calculator did you use? I just put your stats into tdeecalculator dot net and that 1500 figure is for a sedentary person, which you said you're not. If that's 15k steps a day, 4-5 days a week, plus bike rides half the year, that's at least moderate exercise if not heavy during your bike season, bringing your calories up to 2000-2200/day, which is far more reasonable.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,704 Member
    What you need is exercise you enjoy or at the very least don't dislike: the best exercise is the exercise you actually do!

    As for your maintenance calories, you've gotten the result of a calculator, based on population averages. But how sure are you that you're average, metabolically speaking? Are you losing weight at the expected speed?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited December 2021
    Think you have got your numbers badly wrong!
    How exactly did you come up with 1500?

    Maybe either using a very poor calculator, selecting the wrong activity/exercise setting for someone as active and exercising like you are or perhaps simply looking at BMR rather than TDEE.

    Try this calculator which gives you calculations based on several studies.
    The BMR numbers given are far closer to your 1500 number and TDEE is 2000+ using your goal stats.

    Any exercise will gain you more calories than not exercising, different exercises will give you a massive range from little to lots.
    Do you mean lots more calories? If so then you are looking at a form of cardio that you enjoy and can do for long duration.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    Hi all I just calculated that at my goal of 140lbs my TDEE will be just over 1500 cals ๐Ÿ˜”
    Which is pretty low for me - I think I'll be hungry!
    I'm not sedentary- I walk 4/5 days a week around 15,000 steps ( 6 miles) and I use an outdoor bike in warmer weather often 20+ miles.
    My stats at the moment are - Female 46,
    5 foot 7
    178 lbs
    I started at 232 lbs.
    I'm starting to wonder if I've set my goal too low - it puts me at BMI 21.
    I recently re evaluated my goal to a lower weight.
    Anyway- the reason I'm on the exercise forum is because I'd love to know what type of exercise I need at goal to enable me to eat more calories.
    Thanks in advance โ˜บ

    No one can tell you whether BMI 21 is too low for you, or not. It depends on specifics of your build (for example, broad shoulders, pelvic width, larger breasts, vs. more willowy narrow build, small breasts). It also matters how much muscle you have, what your (sub)culture values, what you personally think looks nice, and more. If with anyone, discuss it with your doctor. It looks like BMI 21 at 5'7" would be around 134 pounds FWIW?

    I'm around BMI 21, but shorter (5'5", so around 125). I have broad shoulders, but narrow hips, no breasts (post mastectomies). BMI 21 is good, with me. Body fat is probably mid 20s percent +/- : My BIA scale says around 23%, so does the so-called "Navy Calculator", but I know that's very approximate.

    I agree with others that 1500 seems wrong as a TDEE estimate. Maybe BMR + NEAT, i.e., MFP's before-exercise estimate? Just the walking ought to put you around 2000 for TDEE, before the biking.

    At 5'5" and BMI 21, I maintain someplace in the lower 2000s (varies with exercise, can go to mid-2000s in summer). I'm older, but mysteriously a good calorie burner for my age.

    I think it's kind of odd to react to a number in the abstract, at least when it's a middling number rather than a clearly extreme one: For me, it matters what I eat, when I eat, how I fit eating in around exercise, how sleep & stress are, etc., as to whether I'm going to feel more hungry or less hungry on X calories.

    I'm with sijomial, if you want to maximize calorie intake via more exercise while maintaining, long format non-fatiguing (moderate intensity) cardio is a good plan.

    However much time you have to devote to cardio (while maintaining good overall life balance), spend it doing something fun that gets your heart rate up a bit. Use the time for a short warmup at lower intensity, the body of the time at steady state at the maximum intensity you can sustain without incurring excess fatigue, and a short cool down at the end. You should feel energized, not wrung out for the rest of the day, other than maybe a few minutes "whew" feeling right after the exercise.

    What activity? Dunno what's fun, for you. I row and bike (both of those indoor in Winter, outdoor (water & trail respectively) in less harsh seasons. Some people run, walk, swim, skate, kayak, dance, play tennis or basketball or something, . . . lots more options . . . ?

    Do fun exercise. An exercise we enjoy (or at least tolerate cheerfully), so that we actually do it routinely, burns 100% more calories than an exercise we hate and procrastinate or avoid every chance we get. Life balance, happy stuff - not forced marches - that's a good spot to aim, IMO.

    'Scuse me, I gotta go machine row now. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    edited December 2021
    I'm 5'7" 140. Female. I also started at just over 220, so we're close.
    I'm retired and I live in a small condo, not a lot of required activity.
    I walk 5 miles a day on hills.
    I eat an average of 2200/2300 per day - so, many days I'm way over that. Been doing that for over ten years.

    Recalculate! Sounds like you are looking at Myfitnesspal's calculated Maintenance calories, which is NOT TDEE. I agree with sijomial, go to sailrabbit if you want TDEE. You'll be fine, and you won't need to eat 1500. Even Myfitnesspal tells me to eat 1700 with a setting of Lightly Active. Adding in exercise cals puts me at 2000 (which is too low for me, as you can see.)
  • Walkywalkerson
    Walkywalkerson Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks everyone- I was looking at 'sedentary ' ๐Ÿ˜„
    I've changed it to lightly active - and it's come up with more calories.
    I will change it in the summer months when I'm exercising more.
    I recently changed my goal weight from 160 to 140 - I'm not sure how I will feel/ look at that weight but I want to lose around 15 /18 lbs and assess it from there.

  • Walkywalkerson
    Walkywalkerson Posts: 456 Member
    And to add - I totally agree about enjoying the exercise you're doing!
    I love outdoor activities and they are not just for weight loss - they are also for my well being.
    But I would like to introduce some strength training now I'm getting nearer goal and older!
    I just don't find it fun at all.
    I hate the gym or any sort of purposeful exercise like that.
    It's difficult to know what to do.

  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,704 Member
    Ah, strength training.
    Well, I have to admit I struggle with motivation too! It's certainly not for the calories that I do it (it doesn't burn many at all). I do it for health, better body composition and because I do enjoy feeling myself get stronger. But the workouts themselves don't really motivate me, I much prefer running.

    I think it might be a matter of finding something you enjoy (or dislike less): classic free weights, kettle bells, circuit training, bodyweight exercises at home, there are options to strengthen your muscles...

    Ultimately, for me, I just think it's a matter of accepting that I won't absolutely love everything I do (whether that's exercise or other parts of my life - I don't enjoy brushing my teeth, but it's something I should do anyway).

    I know I don't strength train frequently enough and that my program is suboptimal, but it's better than forcing myself to follow programs I really don't like, which would mean not doing it at all in reality.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    I am 58y.o., 5โ€™7โ€, sedentary female weighing 135.4 pounds. MFP sets maintenance at this weight and activity level at 1,530 plus exercise calories. I actually eat around 1,300 calories because I was injured from March until the beginning of December when cleared for physical therapy and light exercise. Will up calories as I become more active.

    You are younger and more active than me. That calorie level sounds like it is set for weight loss.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks everyone- I was looking at 'sedentary ' ๐Ÿ˜„
    I've changed it to lightly active - and it's come up with more calories.
    I will change it in the summer months when I'm exercising more.
    I recently changed my goal weight from 160 to 140 - I'm not sure how I will feel/ look at that weight but I want to lose around 15 /18 lbs and assess it from there.

    Take what seems to be your current TDEE at these activity levels you plan to keep.

    Current TDEE?
    Your eating goal plus how much deficit you seem to have in place for the rate of loss.

    Now take that TDEE divided by your current stats BMR.
    There's your personal activity multiplier.

    Now take goal weight BMR x that PA figure - goal weight TDEE at current activity level.

    Pretty close anyway.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Thanks everyone- I was looking at 'sedentary ' ๐Ÿ˜„
    I've changed it to lightly active - and it's come up with more calories.
    I will change it in the summer months when I'm exercising more.
    I recently changed my goal weight from 160 to 140 - I'm not sure how I will feel/ look at that weight but I want to lose around 15 /18 lbs and assess it from there.

    If you are regularly getting 15K steps per day you are at minimum moderately active if not very active and any additional deliberate exercise would increase that. I put your stats into the sailrabit calculator and I got around 2100 for moderately active and pushing 2400 for very active. My guess would be with your steps you are somewhere in between and with additional, deliberate exercise you'd likely be pushing 2400-2500 or more depending on what that exercise is.

    I have a desk job and usually get around 8K steps per day...sometimes around 10K depending on what I'm doing around the office and when I get home...and even without deliberate exercise I'm light active.