Healthy food shopping on a tight budget



  • pam933
    pam933 Posts: 13 Member
    I got this book from the library "Wildly Affordable Organic" by Linda Watson and it seems really good. Lots of ideas for eating healthy at low cost. I've only made a couple of the recipes but they were good.

    (I wouldn't recommend making something out the dessert chapter like I did - that was a mistake - it was too good!)
  • dreamjo
    dreamjo Posts: 104 Member
    Definitely plan your meals so that you won't go to the grocery store and rack up what you don't need. I'm pretty bad about using coupons but they can be a great way to save money if you use them with what is on sale in the stores. Also, if you have a smart phone there are coupon apps out there as well.

    If you have a Kroger then there is a Kroger app that you can just download coupons from the app to your Kroger card.

    Another way to save money is to buy things at discount grocery stores like Aldi (if you have one). Buy the store brand canned fruits and vegetables when you don't have enough cash for the fresh ones.

    Cooking your own meals and eating leftovers for lunch or even dinner the next day can help. Eating out was draining my bank account because I hated cooking but now I'm learning to love it. Saves so much money.

    Hope this helps!