Want my Body Back

Hello all. I am new here..... I used to be super active and have always been athletic. Right now for some reason I am still working on balance. I want to be the best mom and wife I can be but I need to find the time for me to get some exercise and feel good about me. My baby is near 11 months old and even the I am at my prepregnancy weight LADIES you know things just aren't like what they used to be. I find my mind being so occupied on what I need to be doing but never having the opportunity to follow through. Or I have been putting so much pressure on my nutrition that I virtually sabotage myself mentally. I wanted to start using myfitnesspal as a REALITY CHECK for the Calories I am consuming. I am a visual learner and seeing that I have aleady ate my calories for the day and I have 8+ hours to get before bed time........ So I come here to meet like minded goal oriented people and hopefully be able to bounce some of my struggles off of. Thanks for reading my ramble.


  • Welcome! A lot of us are here for this very reason :) I'm finding a lot of support here, which is leading me to make the changes I need to make. Hope you do too!
  • Welcome!! There is TONS of help here. We are all in this together. One day at a time one step at a time, one hour at a time!! What are you doing now for nutrition and exercise? I just started Hustling! haha sooo much fun!! Gonna dance my extra weight off! LOL

    Just sent you a friend request! ; ))
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome! My story is about like yours- having had my 4th child and still having too much weight on me when he turned 1, I realized it is no longer "baby weight" but just plain fat. I'm also like you in that I used to be very athletic and am also a visual learner- it has really helped me to log on and track calories, etc. Even when I go off track, I still write every single bite down- it helps me get back on track the next day.

    Feel free to friend me.
  • Thanks for a quick response. Congrats on your previous weight loss. Keep your head up I can already tell that this site is going to make a difference with such great people.
  • Ok so I own virtually every Beachbody video there is but I have not put even 10 minute trainer in the DVD player for atleast 3 weeks. I do alot of walking or hiking with my kiddo in a pack. My nutrition is no where close to what it should be but that is what I needed to see with the calorie counter. Previously I was taking ActiVit which seemed to help me stay on track but not today. With my job to I haven't even been drinking enough water. I RIGHT NOW I AM MAKING A CHANGE!
  • I have a tendency to eat when I'm stressed. I have learned to really ask myself "Am I really hungry? Does an apple sound good? Or do I just want that piece of chocolate cake?" Slowly I have learned to use exercise as a way to handle the stress. Much more productive. Yes, it's hard to work into a busy schedule, but once you do it for awhile, it becomes just part of your day. No different than work, cooking dinner, or anything else. I think sometimes women tend to feel guilty for exercising because it's doing something just for ourselves. Like if we have the hour, it should be devoted to making brownies for our kids class or finishing that project at work. But we all deserve to be healthy and happy. And I think we are actually better in the other areas of our lives when we make the time to take care of ourselves. Have patience. Don't expect perfection from yourself. Good luck!